This person's favorite guilty pleasure is Food.
Who is Diane?
This person would like to trade places with Traci Ellis Ross.
Who is Natalie?
This person's go-to karaoke song is Tonight is the Night by Betty Wright
Who is Michele?
This person's weirdest food ever eaten is Frog legs.
Who is Thomas?
This person prefers to start your day with lots of coffee, watching the sunrise.
Who is Jude?
This person's favorite guilty pleasure is Chocolate covered pretzels and Starbucks.
Who is Bella?
This person would like to trade places with Barack Obama.
Who is Thomas?
This person's go-to karaoke song is Love on Top by Beyoncé.
Who is Philana?
This person's weirdest food ever eaten Lions Mane Mushroom.
Who is Natalie?
This person prefers to start your day with a great workout with time to recover.
Who is LaWanna?
This person's favorite guilty pleasure is Watching Nollywood and Bollywood movies
Who is Lawanna?
This person would like to trade places with Mackenzie Scott (Bezos).
Who is Kelly?
This person's go-to karaoke song is Erykah Badu-Tyrone.
Who is Jae?
This person's weirdest food ever eaten Salted Cricket.
Who is Pa'Riss?
!!!!!!DAILY DOUBLE!!!!
This person prefers to start your day with yoga, reading my scripture on my balcony with a cup of tea to get aligned with their self.
Who is Jae?
This person's favorite guilty pleasure is Chocolate!
Who is Michele’?
This person would like to trade places with Wanda from Avengers.
Who is Pa'Riss?
This person's go-to karaoke song is Can We Talk – Tevin Campbell.
Who is Dianne?
These 2 people's weirdest food ever eaten is squid/calamari.
Who is Bella and Jae?
This person prefers to start your day with coffee and the news.
Who is Michele'?
These two people's favorite guilty pleasure includes butter pecan ice cream.
Who are Philana and Jae?
This person would like to trade places with no one, I am happy being me.
Who is Jude?
This person's go-to karaoke song is Love Shack.
Who is Kelly?
These 2 people's weirdest food ever eaten is octopus.
Who is Michele and Diane?
These two people prefer to start your day with meditation.
Who are Kelly and Natalie?