What are the two different life cycles of insects? Explain the difference.
Complete metamorphosis and gradual metamorphosis. Gradual has no larval stage and instead the egg hatches into a nymph
What are animals in each of the three phyla of fishes generally called?
Agnatha: jawless fish
Chondrichthyes: cartilaginous fish
Osteichthyes: boney fish
What are the two parts of the heart called?
Ventricles and atria
Where do cnidarians live?
In colonies
What are two examples of flatworms?
Planarians, tapeworms
What are the four major groups of echinoderms?
sea stars, brittle stars, sea urchins, and sea cucumbers
95% of fishes belong to what class?
Osteichthyes (boney fish)
What is the difference between ectotherms and endotherms? Give an example of each
Ecto: body does not produce internal heat, amphibians and reptiles
Endo: body regulates its own temp. by controlling internal heat it produces, birds & mammals
What are the two body shapes of cnidarians?
Polyp & medusa
How many hearts do earthworms have?
What are the three groups of mollusks? Give their scientific name and give an example of a species in each.
Gastropods: snails and slugs
Bivalves: oysters, clams, scallops, and mussels
Cephalopods: octopuses
What kind of fertilization do fishes have? Explain what that means.
External: they lay eggs that get fertilized after they are laid
What are the three types of mammals? Describe each & give an example of each.
Marsupials - carry young in pouches, kangaroos
Monotremes - lay eggs, duck-billed platypus
Placental mammals - young develops in mother's body until it can function independently, humans