The Helmet of
What is salvation
The first book of the bible
What is Genesis
God tasked this man with building an ark
Who is Noah
God created him from the dust of the ground
Who was Adam
This is how many languages there were before the tower of Babel
What is one
The Breastplate of
What is Righteousness
The second book of the bible
What is Exodus
God put this in the sky as a promise to never flood the earth again
What is a rainbow
God took a rib from Adam to create her
Who was Eve
The tower of Babel was made of this material
What is brick
The shield of
What is faith
The third book of the bible
What is Leviticus
Noah built this after leaving the ark
What is an alter
His brother murdered him
Who was Abel
There builders of the tower were trying to reach this place
Where is Heaven
The belt of
What is truth
The fourth book of the bible
Whatis Numbers
These were Noah's three sons
Who are Shem, Ham, and Japheth
Cain and Abel's tounger brother
Who was Seth
Although not found in the bible, this man is credited with the founding of Babel
Who is Nimrod
Prepare your feet with
What is the gospel of peace
The fifth book of the bible
What is Deuteronomy
According to the King James bible, Noah was a just man and perfect in his ____________
What is generations
The firstborn of Adam
Who was Cain
This is the plain where Babel was located
Where is Shinar