This manager is left-handed and has traveled to 16 countries.
Who is Irma Venegas?
The total minimum college applications our seniors must apply to.
What is 9?
A current college partner that gives us working space in their student success building.
Who is Metropolitan State University (MSU)?
This coordinator enjoys coloring, karaoke & working out.
Who is Mirna Villa?
A college we share a partnership with and share a hybrid role.
What is Colorado State University?
This manager lived in Germany for 4 years.
Who is Jaelyn Coates?
Which college counselor is a twin, loves to dance salsa, go camping and hiking?
What is Amanda Belmontes?
This advisor's therapy is music & plants.
Who is Andrea Rascon?
This high school launched it's first apprenticeship program last year.
What is KIPP Northeast Denver Leadership Academy (KNDLA)?
A celebration hosted by KTCC at the end of the year to recognize and celebrate our seniors and their next journey in life.
What is Pennant Ceremony?
Who is Irma Venegas?
This college counselor played the clarinet in middle and high school.
Who is Nichelle Haskett?
This advisor likes pizza, cupcakes and is a huge Harry Potter nerd.
Who is Tawsha Mitchell?
An assessment taken by our juniors and seniors that measures aptitudes, talents and matches them to best-fit careers.
What is YouScience?
A scholarship awarded to KIPP Colorado graduating seniors who do not qualify for FAFSA.
What is Puentes Scholarship?
Community, Love, Accountability & Equity are all examples of what?
What is KTCC Team's Values?
Which college counselor is a twin and who's hobby is Archery?
Who is Oscar Rivera?
This advisor's top two values are Decolonization & Community.
Who is Andrea Rascon?
This is the year we rebranded to KIPP Through College & CAREER.
What is 2019?
Measure used across the KIPP Network to project the number of alumni, per class, that will graduate from college.
What is Estimated College Completion?
Student Culture and Data-Driven Practices are examples of what?
What is KTCCs Annual Priorities?
This college counselor does not own a couch or TV.
Who is Adriane Genette?
This advisor studied Black History abroad for a summer in London while she was in college.
Who is Tawsha Mitchell?
This Career Technical Education (CTE) program offers many trade certificates in Accounting, Welding, Automotive and Cybersecurity.
What is Emily Griffith Technical School?
These are KTCCs main three program areas.
What is College Counseling, College Success (Persistence) and Career?