Holds hot foods – such as cakes, breads, and cookies – while cooling to prevent soggines
what is wire cooling rack
Narrow flexible thin blade, used for cutting between bones.
what is boning knife
Recommended way to sanitize kitchen utensils.
With hot soapy water followed by sanitizer
what is a chef's knife/french knife
Place a _____ ________ underneath the cutting board to prevent it from slipping when cutting.
what is wet paper towel
Lifts and turns food such as pancakes and hamburgers
what is a turner
Used to remove particles from liquids
what is a strainer
What to do in event of a grease fire that started on a pan
cover the pan with a lid and turn off the heat source
Knife used for peeling, cutting, and trimming food
what is paring knife
The knife technique in which you curl your non-dominant fingers slightly and place on the food to secure
what is culinary bear claw
Beats and blends eggs, liquids, and thin batters.
what is a wire whisk
Lift and turn hot food without piercing it.
what are tongs
What is the minimum internal cooking temperature for ground meat
what is 160 degrees fahrenheit
Metal pins or bolts used to fasten the tang to the handle
what is the rivets
The three most important knives are
what is chef knife, paring knife, and serrated bread knife
A bowl with holes, and feet. Used to drain foods like pasta or vegetables.
what is a colander
Used to dip liquid – such as soup – from pan to bowl or cup
what is a ladle
What is the best way to thaw frozen meat
The part of the blade of the knife that extends to the handle
To cut food into small pieces, larger than a dice
what is chop
Consists of two saucepans- a smaller one fitting into a larger one-and a cover. Boiling water in the bottom pan gently heats the food in the upper pan. Used for cooking food that scorch easily. (Chocolate, butter, milk, sauces)
what is a double boiler
Wires attached to a handle, used for cutting butter or shortening into flour for pastry dough.
what is a pastry blender
List the fridge hierarchy, top to bottom
ready to eat foods/fruits and veggies
sea food
whole meats
ground meat
the thicker, metal junction between the handle and the knife blade, provides added strength and durability, serves as a counterbalance
what is the bolster
1/8" cube cut
what is