
Upon realizing Yioshi's death, Eirko and Mikage must deal with these two story themes, which are explored through their experiences of coping with loss and sorrow.

What is death and grief?


These contrasting symbols represent moments of hope versus moments of despair as characters navigate their hardships. 

What is light and night?


She raises Mikage and teaches Mikage all she knows about cooking

 Who is the grandmother?


The main dish of the novel, a panko breaded chicken over steamed rice

What is Katsudon?


 What is the purpose and /or meaning of the following quote: “In this world there is no place for sadness. No place; not one.”

What is Mikage feels like the world does not have time for her sadness and that one must move on despite how difficult an event is.


Eriko’s death represents this theme in the novel.

What is violence?


This symbol serves as a central illustration representing themes of comfort, security and emotional nourishments for the characters, particularly Mikage.

What is the kitchen?


These people are only mentioned for a short time at the beginning of the book and only relate to the main character? 

 Who are the main characters parents?


This traditional asian salad doesn't actually contain lettuce.

What is cucumber salad? 


 What is the purpose and /or meaning of the following quote: “Now only the kitchen and I are left. It’s just a little nicer than being all alone.”

What is the kitchen symbolizes a sense of companionship amidst Mikage’s sense of loneliness and proves to be an essential place that allows Mikage to feel comfort. 


This theme is underscored by characters like Yuichi, who grapple with feelings of loneliness and separation from society amidst life’s challenges

What is isolation?


This natural phenomenon symbolizes the cyclical nature of life and the passage of time, influencing the characters' emotions as they grow in the novel. 

What are seasons?


These two Characters work in the Kitchen with Mikage

Who are Nori and Kuri


This spiky exterior and sweet interior is a great way to describe Eriko’s transition.

What does pineapple represent?


What is the purpose and/or meaning of the following quote: “Everyone we love is dying. Still, to cease living is unacceptable. 

What is Mikage realizing that life is worth experiencing even under certain immense hardships and that pushing will usually result in a better outcome. 


This theme is demonstrated when Mikage finds distraction in shopping for supplies after moving in with Yuichi. It illustrates how it allows for temporary comfort from life’s challenges

What is consumerism?


This household appliance serves as a symbol of preservation, both of food and memories as it reflects the character’s desire to cling to the past and cherish their previous memories.

What is a fridge?


This character represents love and cheerfulness even from beyond. 

What does Eriko represent?


This food is used in many ways and shares the name of the author. With a yellow peel

 What is a banana?


What is the purpose and /or meaning of the following quote: “Until only recently, the light that bathed the now-empty apartment had contained the smells of our life there. The kitchen window. The smiling faces of friends, the fresh greenery of the university campus as a backdrop to Sataro’s profile, my grandmother’s voice on the phone…All of it. Everything that was no longer there.”

What is a reminder of lost memories and relationships that highlight Mikage’s nostalgia and how as time pasts memories slowly fade. 


 In the novel, Yoishi becomes increasingly isolated as he deals with death and issues with relationships. This theme causes him to be isolated because he fears being shamed if he loses this trait. 

What is masculinity?


This symbol represents the inner struggles of characters like Yuichi, as he strives to maintain a tough exterior and demonstrate his masculinity but also faces internal turmoil and emotional challenges.

What is a pineapple?


She is described as having sexy legs that were a little chubby. She has a narrow forehead and bangs carefully curled back.

Who is Okuno?


Mikage said that she would make this when she returned to Yuichi

 What is soupy rice?


 What is the purpose and/or meaning of the following quote: “Yuichi and I are climbing a narrow ladder in the jet black gloom. Together we peer into the cauldron of hell. We stare into the bubbling red sea of fire…Even though we’re standing side by side, even though we’re closer to each other than to anyone else in the world, even though we’re friends forever, we don’t join hands”

 What is the representation of shared but isolated experiences as well as the fear that they never truly connect to form a deeper relationship?
