Way you should walk in the kitchen with a knife.
The knife pointed down towards the ground.
Name 1 common food-borne illness
Salmonella, E. coli, Listeriosis, Arsenic.
To prevent falls you.
Clean up spills immediately.
To prevent electrocution.
Keep cords away from water.
To prevent cuts.
Use sharp knives
Example of cross-contamination.
cutting uncooked veggies on raw meat cutting board.
Something that could happen if you leave the kitchen unattended.
A fire could start.
To prevent a chemical hazard.
Don't mix cleaning supplies.
When cut by a knife this the process.
Stop the bleed, clean the wound, and cover it. If it doesn't stop bleeding go to the ER.
The steps after cutting raw meat.
Wash your hands, wash cutting board and knife, and disinfect anything touched by raw meat.
To treat burns you.
Run under cold water for 10 minutes, apply ointment, put on a bandage.
Time needed to wash your hands.
Minimum of 20 seconds.
Grasp the handle and pinch the blade with your thumb and index finger.
Best way to thaw frozen food.
Put it in the fridge.
Refrigerate perishable foods after:
2 hours.
Direction of pot handle.
Faced inward not outward.
When washing a knife you do not.
Put it in the sink full of water and soap.
The shelf you put raw meat on.
Bottom shelf.
The ways to put out a grease fire.
Baking soda or metal lid
The placement of cleaning chemicals.
Under the sink.