Cross contamination
Kitchen Accidents
Knife Safety

Should you store Chemicals with food?

A) Obviously
B) False

B) Chemicals aren't good for you.


Is it alright to check the Burners on top of the stove with your hands?

A) Yes, why not?
B) Well, no...

B) 3rd Degree burns don't feel that good.


Where must the knife never be placed?

A) In a hot soapy sink
B) In a knife rack
C) In the centre of the work surface

A) Never put a knife where you can't see it.


What should you do before starting cooking

A) Read the whole recipe
B) Wash hands, put on Apron
C) Tie up hair
D) All the above

All the Above.


If you spill something on the floor, what should you do?

A) Leave it
B) Tell teacher
C) Clean it
D) Pretend to be unknown of this

C) It's not the teacher's job to clean up all your messes, if you make it, clean it.


How should you carry a knife?

A) Infront of you pointing up

B) Infront of you pointing out

C) At your side pointing down

C) Always carry a knife pointing down.


Should I cut raw chicken on the same chopping board as vegetables?

No =)


How can you prevent fires in the Kitchen?

Keep tea towels and cloths away from the cooker/ Never leave food unattended. 


How can you prevent cuts in the Kitchen?

Never leave Knives out of plain sight/never cut towards yourself.


Where in the fridge should I place raw meat to defrost?

A) At the top
B) Somewhere in the middle with a dripping pan
C) At the bottom with a dripping pan
D) Place it where you want 

C) At the bottom with a dripping pan.


If you cut one of your fingers when cutting Vegetables, what should you do?

A) Ignore it and keep working|
B) Just lick and keep working
C) It's okay the cut isn't deep
D) Apply first Aid, cover the cut, and then you keep cooking

D) Apply first Aid, cover the cut and keep cooking, never leave the wound untreated in case of an infection.


How do you use a Knife Safely?

Keep fingertips curled under the hand that his holding the food/Point the blade away from you when you're cutting.


What should you make sure of when adding new raw meat to the grill?

make sure that the Raw food and already cooking food don't touch.


Which of the following will prevent electrical shock when cleaning?

A) Unplugging the Appliance
B) Check if the Appliance is immersible
C) Drying your hands
D) All of the above

D) Make sure all devices are unplugged, and your hands are dry before cleaning.


How should you clean a knife?

A) By cleaning the back/blunt side of the blade
B) By cleaning the sharp side of the blade
C) By rinsing it quickly in cold water

A) Always clean the knife with the sharp part pointing away from you.
