What should be done about spills in the kitchen?
Clean up immediately.
f I’m the student who accidentally reaches into a pot of boiling water this semester, I will need to ___________:
run hand under cool running water for 20 minutes
A fake fingernail in the mac & cheese is considered a ___________.
Raw chicken on the same cutting board with tomatoes is an example of
Cross Contamination
You have a dishpan full of soapy water ready to clean the dishes. Which one should you wash FIRST?
Wash the cleanest dish first.
Safely check the contents of a covered hot pot on the stove by:
Lifting the pot lid away from you like a shield.
Dirty kitchen towels, pet hair, and touching your nose can lead to ________.
cross contamination
Why is a sharp knife safer than a dull knife?
Dull knives require more effort and can slip, they can leave a jagged cut instead of a clean cut on your skin.
What is the correct order for cleaning dishes?
When using a fire extinguisher aim at the ______ of the fire.
What is a symptom of foodborne illness and what is NOT a symptom?
Fever, upset stomach, vomiting. Not runny nose.
Bacteria need TIME, TEMPERATURE, and ___________ to grow?
Why is hand sanitizer not enough when preparing food?
Hand sanitizer kills germs but soap and water are best for avoiding cross contamination.
Two ways to extinguish a grease fire?
Put the lid on the flaming pot, use baking soda, fire extinguisher.
Why should we dry our dishes before putting them away?
The pathogen found in raw eggs, undercooked chicken and flour.
Name the 8 most common food allergens.
What are the two safe ways to defrost food and which way is NOT safe?
SAFE: in fridge, microwave, or cool running water
NOT SAFE: sitting at room temperature on the counter top.
Demonstrate the correct way to carry a knife.
Fish should be cooked to this temperature to prevent foodborne illness.
145 degrees