What kind of soap do we use in IF to wash hands?
Handwashing soap (located on the wall)
What is one device we use in order to cook food to the appropriate temperature?
Digital Thermometer
What is washed last in the dishwashing process?
pots and pans
What are the proper steps for washing your hands?
Wet hands and arms with HOT water, apply hadnwashing soap, scrub hands and arms vigorously, rinse hands and arms thoroughly with hot water, and dry hands and arms with a paper towel.
Hot foods should stay this way and cold foods should stay this way.
Hot, Cold
What is ways you can prevent cross contamination while preparing food?
Examples: Use separate cutting boards for raw and ready to eat foods.
What is the best way to ensure pathogens are not passed from you to others?
Proper handwashing
What items should be washed first?
glasses, cups, flatwear
How are countertops dried in the sanitizing process?
With a dish towel
List the steps to clean and sanitize countertops
Using a dishcloth/washcloth and hot water, clean all work surfaces. This should remove crumbs, spills, etc. Counters should appear clean after this step.
Dry countertops using a dish towel.
Using a sanitizing spray, spray countertops and wipe with a paper towel. Allow to air dry.
Why is it a problem if someone has long nails when working in the kitchen?
Bacteria can reside underneath nails. Also long nails and polish can fall into food (physical contaminant)
Whos if the first line of defense in preventing foodborne illness?
You, as the student
When sanitizer is applied, how is it wiped off?
With a paper towel
What temperatures should water be when cleaning countertops?
What are common symptoms of food borne illnesses?
1. vomiting
2. diarrhea
3. cramps
4. upset stomach
5. fever
What is Foodborne Illness?
illness caused by consuming contaminated foods or beverages.
How much Dawn soap is used when washing dishes
4 or 5 drops
Provide three times hands should be washed.
Touching your hair, face, body, clothing, or aprons
Before and after touching raw meat, poultry, or seafood
Touching or moving trash
Sneezing, coughing, or tissue use
Using chemicals (like cleaners or sanitizers)
Clearing dirty tables