General Knowledge
Food Hygiene
Knife Safety
Personal Hygiene

What is the safest way to put out a small grease fire?

Cover it with a lid or use a fire blanket. Never use water.


Why should you wash your hands before preparing food?

To remove bacteria, dirt and prevent food contamination.


What is the correct way to carry a knife in the kitchen?

Hold it by the handle beside you, with the blade pointing down.


What should you do with long hair before cooking?

Tie it back or wear a hairnet/chef hat to prevent hair from falling into the food.


Why should you use separate cutting boards for raw meat and vegetables?

To prevent bacteria from the raw meat contaminating the vegetables.


Why is it dangerous to leave a towel near the stove?

It can catch fire easily due to the heat from the stove.


How long should you wash your hands to effectively kill germs?

For at least 20 seconds with soap and warm water.


Why should you never try to catch a falling knife?

You could easily cut yourself; it’s safer to let it fall.


Why is it important to wear clean clothing when cooking?

Dirty clothes can carry bacteria that could contaminate the food.


What should you do with a utensil after it has touched raw meat?

Wash it thoroughly with hot, soapy water before using it again.


Why should you avoid wearing loose jewellery while cooking?

Loose jewellery can catch on equipment or contaminate food, posing safety and hygiene risks.


Why should you avoid handling food when you are sick?

You could transfer bacteria or viruses to the food, causing others to get sick.


Why is it important to keep your knives sharp?

Dull knives are more likely to slip and cause injury when cutting.


What should you do if you have a cut or wound on your hand?

Cover it with a bright coloured (blue), waterproof bandage and wear gloves to prevent contamination.


Why is it dangerous to reuse marinade from raw meat without cooking it first?

It may contain harmful bacteria from the raw meat that can cause illness.


What should you do if you accidentally spill something on the kitchen floor?

Clean it up immediately to prevent slips and falls. Warn others around the spill and tell teacher.


Why is it important to cook food to the correct temperature?

To kill harmful bacteria that can cause food poisoning.


Why should you avoid placing knives in a sink full of water?

You or someone else could accidentally reach into the water and get cut.


Why should you avoid touching your face while preparing food?

Germs from your face or mouth could transfer to the food.


How can you prevent cross-contamination in the fridge?

Store raw meat in sealed containers on the bottom shelf to prevent its juices from dripping onto other foods.


Why is it important to organise your kitchen tools and ingredients before cooking?

It ensures efficiency, reduces clutter, and minimises the risk of accidents.


How should you store raw meat in the fridge to avoid contamination?

On the bottom shelf, in a sealed container, to prevent drips onto other food.


Why is it important to keep knives away from the edge of the countertop?

To prevent them from being accidentally knocked off or causing injuries.


What is the best way to prevent cross-contamination from your hands?

Wash your hands thoroughly after handling raw meat, touching your face, or using the bathroom.


What is cross-contamination, and why is it dangerous?

It’s the transfer of harmful bacteria from one food or surface to another, which can lead to food poisoning.
