Personal Hygiene
Burns & Fires

A ______ knife is better than a _______ knife when it comes to preventing cuts.

A sharp knife is better than a dull knife.

How long should you wash your hands for?

20 seconds


Can you put metal in the microwave? What happens?

No. The microwave will blow up.


These things let you take hot food out of an oven or microwave without burning yourself.

What are oven mitts or potholders?


What is the first thing you should do when you spill something?

Notify your kitchen mates and point it out! 


How do you secure your cutting board to the countertop? Why is this important?

With a wet paper towel. It is important to secure the cutting board so it doesn't slide around while you are trying to cut something. 


What should you do if you have long hair and want to cook?

Tie it up so it doesn't end up in your food.


When do you plug in and unplug appliances?

Plug in appliances before turning them on. Turn off appliances after using them. Make sure they are turned off before unplugging.


What should you do when you check on covered food that is cooking on the stovetop?

Tilt the lid away from you so that the steam doesn't burn your face.


What is double dipping? Is it allowed when cooking in the Food's Room?

Double dipping is when you taste the food you are cooking and then stick the utensil back in the food. No, this is not allowed. When you finish using a utensil, put it in the hot soapy water! 


How do you wash a knife? 

Wash your knife separately with hot soapy water and a washcloth. Do not soak the knife in soapy water because this may result in you or someone else reaching in and grabbing the blade. 


Can you wear jewelry while cooking?

No. All jewelry should be removed before cooking.


What is NOT allowed in the kitchen when you are cooking?

Your cell phone.


When cooking on a stovetop, the handles of the pans should be ____________. Why?

toward the center. If you don't do this, you might knock the handle, spilling the food, and harming yourself.


What is cross-contamination. How do you prevent it?

Cross-contamination is the transfer of bacteria from one food product to another. When working with raw meat, poultry, eggs, or fish, keep them separate from other raw foods. Wash counters, cutting boards, utensils, sinks, etc. before using again.


How do you hold a knife? Demonstrate.

Grasp the bolster, clamping your forefinger and thumb around it and letting your last three fingers wrap around the handle.


What articles of clothing can catch on fire while cooking and should not be worn in the lab?

Big puffy jackets. Big sleeved sweaters. Hoodies. 


On lab day, list the steps you do before you can begin cooking?

Clean workspace. Wash hands. Prepare sinks for dishes. Read recipe. Get out equipment and any ingredients you have in your kitchen. Get the rest of the ingredients from supply table by putting measuring cups, measuring spoons, bowls, etc. on cookie sheet and then get ingredients. Begin cooking once you return to your kitchen.


How do you put out a (grease) fire?

Turn off heat immediately and safely. Smother pan with the lid or pour salt or baking soda over flames. Use fire extinguisher if necessary. If fire is out of control, evacuate.

List the ways you thaw frozen food.

Refrigerator, cold water, or microwave. NEVER thaw at room temperature.


Demonstrate the proper way to cut something including what your non-dominant hand should look like.

Your non-dominant hand should be in the shape of a "c" or a claw. Using your knuckles as a guide, make a wave motion with your knife as you cut.


When should you wash your hands? List as many as you can.

Before getting out equipment. Before getting out ingredients. Before cooking. Before drying clean dishes and putting them away. After you sneeze/cough/blow your nose. After touching raw meat. After cracking eggs. After touching your face or hair. After cleaning countertops. After cleaning out the sink. When in doubt, wash your hands.


List the steps of how you wash dishes. 

1. Scrape food into garbage. 2. Fill one sink with hot soapy water. 3. Fill another sink with hot water. 4. Fill the black bucket with water and add bleach. 5. Scrub dishes in soapy water starting with lightly soiled items and working your way toward heavily soiled items. 6. Rinse off suds and residue. 7. Sanitize in black bucket for 2 minutes. 8. Dry with a towel. 9. PUT AWAY!

How do you operate a fire extinguisher? 

Remember PASS. 1. Pull the pin. 2. Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire. 3. Squeeze the handle. 4. Sweep nozzle side to side.


What temperature range makes up the Danger Zone where bacteria grows rapidly and can cause a food borne illness?

40 degrees to 140 degrees. Serve hot food hot at 140 degrees or more. Serve cold food cold at 40 degrees or less.
