What is Amir’s profession in America?
A writer
What was the name of Hassan's son?
What does Rahim Khan say to Amir that urges him to return?
“There is a way to be good again.”
What happening to kite flying in Kabul?
It got banned by the Taliban
How has Kabul changed since Amir last saw it?
It has been taken over by the Taliban and life is much more opressed
What happened to Hassan's first child?
She was still born and was buried immediately
Where has Rahim Khan been living?
In Baba’s old house in Kabul
What happened to Ali?
Ali had stepped on a land mine and died
What is missing from Amir and Soraya’s life that they wish for?
They are unable to have children
What did Hassan want to do after he heard about Baba's death?
That's when he decided he wanted to move back to Kabul to help take care of Baba's home
Why does Rahim Khan refuse to come to America for medical treatment with Amir?
He trusts what the Afghan doctors have already told him and believes in gods will for him
What did Rahim tell Amir about Hassan's looks?
That he had grownup a lot and that Amir would have definitely recognized him
How does Amir’s inability to have children parallel his unresolved past?
Just as he cannot create new life, he cannot erase his past mistakes, reinforcing his sense of guilt and longing for redemption
Who was the woman that had arrived at the front gates of Baba's house unexpectedly?
It was Hassan's mother, Sanaubar
Why did Rahim Khan invite Hassan to move back into Baba's house?
He was unable to take care of the home himself because of his arthritis so he had asked Hassan to help him out
How did Rahim Khan find Amir?
He bought a map of Northern California and called up information for their cities
Why did Amir choose to go back home to visit Rahim Khan?
Rahim Khan’s phone call hinted at an opportunity for redemption and urgency. It reminded Amir of his past guilt with his betrayal of Hassan and with Rahim Khan’s declining health he decided to return and confront his past.
What did Hassan do in mourning for Amir's father?
He wore black for the next forty days
Why did Rahim Khan never leave Kabul with Baba and Amir?
He tells Amir Kabul is his home and it always will be
What happened to Baba's orphanage?