This was the placeholder loading screen art for this champion.
Who is Zilean?
This Jungler eats babies.
Who is Rek'Sai?
In a Q&A with Jared Rosen, this mid laner was confirmed to be the most intelligent champion.
Who is Aurelion Sol?
This support has the slowest projectile speed in the game.
Who is Soraka?
This top laner's voice actor did Nazeem from Skyrim.
Who is Shen? (Keith Silverstein)
The concept for this top laner's design would later be re-explored into a different champion.
Who is Olaf?
This champion attempted to force feed Jarven live rats.
Who is Sylas?
This top laner appears to be completely unaffected by Ekko's rewinds (In universe).
Who is Dr. Mundo?
This is the only champion in the game that can be damaged by regular Smite.
Who is Zac?
this mid laner's voice actor did rain from mortal kombat
Who is yone? (Noshir Dalal)
One of the scrapped abilities on this champion included the ability to slow down enemy missile speeds.
Who is Vex?
This ADC shot a Freljordian through the heart for being a magic user.
Who is Vayne?
This top laner can always see Kindred and Wolf.
Who is Yorick?
This champion has has Pi (3.1415) as their attack damage growth.
Who is Vel'koz?
This popular mid laner's voice actor appears in several notable works including John Wick and Game of Thrones.
Who is Pantheon? (George Georgiou)
This mid laner's ult used to be global, saving everyone's state (mana, health, position etc.)
Who is Ekko?
This mid laner sacrificed an entire group's memories and their physical existence with just his thoughts.
Who is Malzahar?
This top laner used to apply a suppression to anyone that lowered her HP below 30%
Who is Quinn?
This top laner has the lowest base movement speed in the game.
Who is Kled (dismounted)?
This mid laner's voice actor also voiced Roadhog from Overwatch.
Who is Galio? (Josh Petersdorf)
During development, this champion would bring a giant water balloon into a fight that can flood a section of jungle.
Who is Zoe?
This ADC effectively bombed an entire town of people with natural magic.
Who is Xayah or Rakan?
This champion gains 2 extra gold when killing either Karthus or Sion
Who is Zyra?
This champion can apply debuffs to champions using jungle camps directly.
Who is Syndra?
This support champion also voiced Bison in Street Fighter: The Animated Series 1995
Who is Nautilus? (Richard Newman)