What nutrient has 0 calories?
How many food groups are in the MyPlate nutrition guide?
6 groups
What is the importance of portion control?
Answer determined by teacher
How do you know what the main ingredient is by looking at a food label?
It is listed first.
In That Sugar Film, how many days was Damon on the sugar experiment?
60 days
How many calories are in a gram of carbohydrates?
4 calories per gram
Which food group is the best source of calcium?
Why is it important to limit added sugars in your diet?
To be determined by teacher
What was a beverage that was investigated where dental hygiene was greatly impacted?
Mountain Dew
How many calories are in a gram of fats?
9 calories per gram
Half of your 'MyPlate" should consist of these 2 food groups.
Vegetables and Fruits
What is a disease that is associated with too much sugar intake in your diet?
Can be heart disease, diabetes, obesity
Do food labels include serving sizes
Damon's purposely sought out food with high sugar content.
False- They were all found in processed foods that he ate.
Bread is an example of what nutrient group?
What are two examples of the dairy group?
Answers will vary and be determined correct by teacher.
All sugars are bad
Will nutrition labels include ALL ingredients in the food package?
What happened to his liver after only 18 days?
Meat and eggs are examples of what nutrient group?
What is the main source of energy for the body?
What is a food that is the color blue, orange or green that is high in vitamins.
How can nutrition labels help people with food allergies?
They can see if anything is included that they are allergic to.
What happened to Damon's energy level?
It went down dramatically.