These are the functions of the meniscus.
What are to deepen the joint for increased stability, reduce friction and shock absorption?
These are the four ligaments of the knee.
What are the LCL, MCL, PCL, ACL?
Which knee ligament prevents hyperextension of the knee?
What is the PCL?
This meniscus is considered to be avascular
What is the medial meniscus?
This ligament prevents anterior translation of the tibia.
What is the ACL?
These are the two functions of articular cartilage.
What are distribute joint loads, protection, reduce friction?
What is the bony landmark near the lateral side of the patella?
What is Gurdy's tubercle?
This type of cartilage that makes up the meniscus.
What is fibrocartilage?
What is known as both a ligament and a tendon?
What is the patellar tendon?