What is the superior bone of the knee joint
What is the fibrocartilage between the tibia and femur called?
What ligament prevents anterior translation of the tibia?
What is the lateral quadriceps muscle
vastus lateralis
what is the superficial middle quadriceps muscle
rectus femoris
What is the inferior medial bone of the knee joint?
what is the name of the bursa located superior to the patella?
suprapatellar bursa
what ligament prevents the knee from varus movement
What is the lateral hamstring muscle
biceps femoris
what is the muscle that becomes the IT band
tensor fascia lata
What is the inferior lateral bone of the knee joint?
What is the deep adductor muscle that attaches to the diaphysis of the femur?
Adductor brevis
What ligament prevents posterior translation of the tibia
What is the s shaped muscle in the anterior upper leg
what is the middle hamstring muscle
What is the anterior most bone of the knee joint
What is the medial hamstring muscle
What is the largest adductor muscle that attaches to the knee as well?
adductor magnus
what is the deep middle muscle of the quadriceps
vastus intermedius
What is the notch in the femur between the condyles called?
Intercondylar fossa
What is the bursa that is located inferior to the patella
infrapatellar bursa
What ligament attaches the patella to the tibial tuberosity
Patellar ligament
What is the long skinny adductor muscle?
What is the longer superficial adductor muscle that attaches to the diaphysis of the femur?
adductor longus