What term implies that the knee involves only the articulation between the tibia and femur?
What is "tibiofemoral joint".
What angle do patellar dislocations normally occur at?
What is laterally
What is joint effusion that is identified by the ability to manually move the fluid from one side of the knee to the other?
What is Sweep test
Damage to the MCL or LCL leads to what instability in the frontal plane?
What is valgus or varus
What on-field evaluation process is similar to the evaluation of knee injuries?
What is ankle evaluation
What lines the articular portions of the fibrous joint capsule?
What is synovial capsule.
The actual tendon defect may be obliterated by what?
What is swelling
What is blood within a joint cavity?
What is hemarthrosis
What is fluid escaping from vessels into the surrounding tissue?
What is extravasate
When pain is described as arising from within the knee joint, from "under the knee cap" or in the posterior aspect of the knee is associated with what?
What is cruciate ligament sprains
What does ACL stand for?
What is anterior cruciate ligament.
What is angle of greater than 185 degrees termed?
What is genu valgum
What test involves placing the knee in 90 degrees of flexion and attempting to translate the tibia anteriorly?
What is the anterior drawer test
What test is a semifunctional test used to determine the rotational stability of the knee?
What is crossover test
What do you need to ensure that the patella is properly seated within?
What is femoral trochlea
What is a Y-shaped structure with origins from the tibia and fibula, and inserting on the femur, is a key stabilizer against posterior translation, varus forces, and external rotation?
What is popliteus complex
What involves only the bursa of the semimembranosus and medial head of the gastrocnemius?
What is Baker's cyst
What manual muscle test tests the heel of the leg being tested is positioned over the anterior talocrural joint with the patient sitting over the edge of the table?
What is isolating the Sartorius
What are some classic symptoms of meniscal tears?
What is locking or clicking
Any point tenderness along the joint line can indicate what?
What is meniscal pathology
The presence of the medial and lateral articular condyles classifies the tibiofemoral joint as a double condyloid articulation, which are capable of what three degrees of freedom?
What is flexion and extension, internal and external rotation, and abduction and adduction
What measurements are made around the joint line and then at consistent intervals up the quadriceps group?
What is girth measurements
What measures the amount of tibial translation in a more accurate, quantitative, reproducible manner and are less prone to the physical limitation faced by the clinican when performing the anterior drawer of Lachman's test?
What is arthrometers
What is a dynamic, weight-bearing procedure has reported high predictive values for identifying meniscal tears?
What is Thessaly test
The presence of a distal pulse following knee dislocation does not rule out what?