Foundations of
People You Might Know
Maybe You Don't
The US Government
Documents That People
Said Are Importent
Some Terrifying Government Questions

Made from the Greek words of Demos and Kratia this word and type of government means "Rule by the People" or "The People Rule"

What is Democracy?


This founding member of the US is credited with writing the Declaration of Independence.

Who is Thomas Jefferson?


This document represents the rules and regulations of the US government as well as this country's main laws.

What is the Constitution?


This US document is also known as the Law of the Land.

What is the Constitution?


There are currently _____ members in the US House of Representatives, which is based on the population of each State.

What is 435?


Taken from the Latin words Res and Publicus this word describes a type of government in which people are elected to represent their peers. It was also one of the founding governments of Rome.

What is Republic?


This English philosopher argued that there are three Natural Rights; Life, Liberty, and Property.

Who is John Locke?


The US Government is divided into these three branches of power.

What are Legislative, Executive, and Judicial?


This document represents the rights of US citizens which are protected by the government.

What is the Bill of Rights?


This individual was the first Vice President and later 2nd President of the United States.

Who is John Adams?


This idea for how a government should be set up came from the French Philosopher Montesquieu, who believed that a government should have three branches of power.

What is the Seperation of Powers?


The current President of the United States, whose term ends November, 2024

Bonus: He is the ___ President of the US

Who is Joseph Biden?

What is the 46th?


The Legislative Branch or Congress is split into these two houses in order to make laws in the US.

What are the Senate and the House of Rpresentatives?


This founding document represented a list of complaints made by American colonists to the King of England and called for a break as colonies.

What is the Declaration of Independence?


These two individuals were actually the first Father and Son who both served as Presidents of the US.

Who are John Adams and John Quincy Adams?

The English Philosopher John Locke believed that all were born with certain rights and that people gave their freedom to the government in exchange for the protection of these rights. This exchange is what Lock calls a _________ _________

Who is a Social Contract?


_______ ________ is the current Governor of South Carolina.

Who is Henry McMaster?


The President of the US is limited to serving only ____ Terms of_____ years each.

What is Two Terms of Four Years?


This document written in England in 1215 represents one of the first examples of an attempt to limit a King's absolute authority.

What is the Magna Carta?


The US government is divided between the National and State governments using this system of shared power.

What is the Federal System?


The first government in the United States, which reigned from 1781-1789 was founded under this document, which also described the type of government the authors wanted.

What are the Articles of Confederation?


The current representative of SC District 1 (Berekley and Charleston County) in the US Congress is _______ _______

Who is Nancy Mace?


To be a Senator of the United States, one must be at leas this old.

What is 30 years old?


This document written in 1687 served as an inspiration for the Bill of Rights in the US.

What is the English Bill of Rights?


The phrase E Pluribus Unum which can be found on most US currency (Dime, Quarter, Dollar...) is translated as this phrase meant to describe the US.

What is Out of Many, One?