Where does the word hygiene come from?
The word comes from Hygeia, the Greek Goddess of Health, the daughter of Aesculapius.
What was one of the first whitening agents for teeth?
1600: rubbing teeth with powdered sage.
Who invented toilet paper?
1400 AD The Chinese.
Why is it important to wash your hands?
To prevent the spread of germs.
What is "tooth powder" known as in modern times?
Tooth paste?
Who/when was lead lined water pipes and tanks invented?
The Ancient Romans, in 3000BC, creating drinking water
What is one of the earliest forms of mouth wash?
400 AD, Medieval Britain, rinsing mouth with water, vinegar, and mint.
What is the main reason people used to not take baths?
Many people believed that too frequent bathing was bad for your health.
Which culture/people first made rules about hand washing?
Those living in monasteries.
Did pirates have good oral hygiene?
Are you kidding me with this question? No, I have seen pirates of the Caribbean.
When was the first type of soap invented?
Ancient Babylon, 2800 BC
Who were the first dentists, hint: there were no official "dentists."
1308 AD: Barbers in Britian were the original dentists.
When was the idea for the first type of toilets invented?
1586 by Sir John Harington, invented the valve that would released water from a water closet.
What temperature should food be stored in the refrigerator?
What exactly is, a pimple?
Eww, gross!!! an infected skin cell.
Which ancient culture was known to bath the most?
1500 BC Ancient Egyptian were noted to bath regularly.
When were toothbrushes invented?
Around the 17th century, in England.
Would you ever go to the bathroom in your closet?
Yes, if you lived in medieval times, often the "bathroom" was in the bottom of the closet.
What was the first sun block made out of? Hint: it was made by the ancient Greeks.
Olive oil and fine sand.
Do animals practice hygiene?
Which ancient culture had the most baths?
Greeks and Romans.
What have cavities also been known as?
"Tooth worms" in ancient Sumerian.
What was the first type of toilet?
The chamber pot.
Which two ancient civilizations had forms of deodorant?
Ancient Egypt and some parts of ancient Asia: scented oils and heavy-scented mixtures such as citrus and cinnamon were used to mask body odour. In some parts of Ancient Asia, rock salt was a popular underarm deodorant.
What are some of the reasons perfumes were invented?
To cover up body order or to use in religious practices.