What subject is our menu for?
List two things that are usually in your entrees each week
Spiral Review
How many categories of side dishes are there?
True or False: You can make a dessert choice when you are done with your entrees
What color in your spiral folder does your math menu go?
When do you need to complete a reteach?
After the lesson for that reteach is finished and before your do side dishes.
What side dish categories can you NOT work on with a partner?
Technology/ IXL
What must you have complete in order to go on Prodigy?
Entrees, side dishes, and challenges
What is the FIRST thing you do when you get a new math menu?
Put your name on it!
When should you work on your spiral review?
At the beginning of math menu time, before side dishes
Where do you find the materials for fact fluency practice?
On top of the rainbow cart
True or False: You're allowed to use a calculator on Prodigy
What do we do at the end of the week when our math menu is finished BEFORE taking our two question quiz?
Fill out our reflection
True or False: Entrees don't have to be finished by the end of the week
True or False: You MUST complete at least 5 side dishes every week
False! Choose a goal that is achievable for you!
False: You can choose more side dish choices instead or go on the math choice board in Google Classroom