Student Life
Employment & Career Services
Where do I find out what books I need?
What is the bookstore, online or professors http://wscbookstore.western.edu/
Who should you go to for questions about classes to take and majors and minors?
What is your faculty advisor
Where is the pool located?
What is Wright Gymnasium
After your first semester at Western, where do you go to register for classes?
What is your Inside Western Account
What type of campus jobs are available to students?
What is work study positions. There are federal, state, and institutional work study positions available. http://www.western.edu/student-life/work-study-information
What is your APA and where can you find them?
What is Academic Peer Advisors are located in the residence halls
Where do I go to get a tutor for a specific subject?
What is the department of the subject
If a student is interested in mountain biking, kayaking, or skiing, but does NOT have the equipment, what resource is available to them?
What is the Wilderness Pursuits Office They offer fun weekend excursions to teach you how to use the gear. Check it out!
To register for classes online you must receive an _____________ from your ___________.
What is an ARC code from your advisor
What event in the spring can help me find a job or get career ideas?
What is the Career Fair
Where would I go to get services on adjustment, anxiety, depression, substance abuse, relationship issues, etc?
What is Counseling Services at the Health Center Full-time students receive seven free visits each year. Tomichi Hall 104
What Grade Point Average puts a student on academic probation?
What is 1.99 or below
This is where you can go to pump iron, practice climbing indoors, join a fitness class, or simply get in your daily cardio workout.
What is the Escalante Fitness Center
Where do I go to declare a major or change faculty advisors?
What is Registration Services Taylor 300
I need to create a resume to get a job, but I need some help. Where should I go?
What is Career Services in the Academic Resource Center Career Services provides assistance in writing resumes, cover letters, personal statements, and interviewing skills
What is the name of the campus radio station?
What is KWSB "Kwisby" or "The Penguin" which dials in at 91.1 FM
If a student is having trouble composing a paper for a class, what resource is available for him/her to get help? And where is it located?
What is the Writing Center in the library There is a Math Lab too!
The Caisher's Office is on the third floor and the Financial Aid office is in the basement of what building?
What is Taylor Hall
What is the difference between dropping a class and withdrawling from a class?
What is dropping leaves no record and refunds your money....withdrawling show a W on your transcript and does NOT refund your money but prevents you from receiving a bad grade and lowering your GPA.
How much per hour do work study positions make?
What is it is different for all positions
For the free RTA bus route that goes around Gunnison Valley, what street are the two closet bus stops to campus located?
What is Colorado St. One stop is at Colorado and HWY 50 and one is at Colorado and Ohio.
Where is the Academic Resource Center?
What is Taylor 302----will accept third floor. The ARC provides academic advising, career services, disability services, CLEP testing, and more!
This is a Latin-inspired, calorie-burning dance fitness class that is available to all students.
What is Zumba
When registering for classes, you must enter in CRN numbers to identify that you want to take a particular class at a particular time. What does CRN stand for?
What is Course Registration Number
How do I find out about Internships?
Careers for Mountaineers Career Services, Academic Resource Center