Student School Rights
Free Speech & Protest
Interactions with Police
Digital Privacy & Social Media
Youth & the Law

Can your school search your backpack without suspicion?

Yes, if they have reasonable suspicion. 


Can students protest inside a California public school?

Yes, as long as it does not disrupt school activities.


If a police officer stops you, do you have to answer their questions?

No, you have the right to remain silent.


Can California schools force students to give up their phone passwords?

No, they cannot demand passwords or search your phone without consent or a warrant.


At what age can you legally work in California?

14 with a work permit; 16 for most jobs; some exceptions exist


Can your school punish you for wearing a protest shirt?

No, unless it disrupts learning. (Tinker v. Des Moines, 1969)


Can your school punish you for a social media post made outside of school?

Yes, if it’s threatening, bullying, or causes major disruptions.


Can a police officer search your phone without a warrant?

No, unless you give consent or there is an emergency (California Riley v. California, 2014).


Can colleges or jobs check your public social media before accepting you?

Yes, anything public can be seen and used in decisions.


What is the legal age to vote in California?

18, but you can pre-register at 16.


Can California students be suspended for willful defiance?

No, California students cannot be suspended for willful defiance in kindergarten through 12th grade, beginning July 1, 2024. This is due to Senate Bill (SB) 274, also known as the "Keep Kids in School" bill. 


Are you allowed to collect petition signatures at school?

Yes, as long as it does not interfere with class time.


In California, do you have the right to a parent or lawyer when questioned by police?

Yes, if you are under 18, you must be allowed to consult with a lawyer before interrogation (SB 203, 2021).


Can California employers ask for your social media passwords?

No, state law (AB 1844) prohibits this.


How many excused absences can a California student take for mental health reasons?

As many as needed with proper documentation (SB 14, 2021).


Can a teacher take your phone and go through your messages?

They can take your phone for a rule violation, but they cannot search it without consent or a warrant (California Student Privacy Law).


Can a school stop students from talking about LGBTQ+ topics?

No, California law protects students’ right to discuss LGBTQ+ topics (Education Code 220).


What should you do if stopped by the police while walking?

Stay calm, ask if you are free to leave/being detained. If free to leave/not detained, walk away. If detained, ask why you are being stopped.


If you delete a post, can it still be found later?

Yes, through screenshots, archives, or digital records.


Can minors be tried as adults in California?

Yes, but only in serious cases, usually for ages 16+ (Prop 57, 2016).


Can California schools discipline students for something they do off-campus?

Yes, if it causes a major disruption or involves bullying, threats, or harassment (Mahanoy v. B.L., 2021).


Can a school in California force you to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance?

No, students have a right to sit or kneel (West Virginia v. Barnette, 1943).


What should you say if police ask to search your belongings?

I do not consent to a search.


What’s the California "Eraser Button" law for minors?

Minors under 18 can request websites to remove their own posts (CA Business & Professions Code 22580).


What does emancipation mean for minors in California?

A minor (14+) can legally separate from parents and be financially independent with court approval.
