Who is at the top of the chart!!
Camp Director & Headmaster
Always _________ before you act.
What is the first Headstaff duty you have for the day?
Morning meeting
Name one benefit of headstaff?
college apps, volunteer experience, service hours, leadership skills
What was the homework for this meeting?
Camp Logo
If you cannot find the Camp Director or Headmaster who is next?
If you do not how to do something what is your next step?
ask for help!
If you cannot attend the meetings who do you send in your place?
Perform __ % , __% of the time
110%, 100%
What does every head counselor assign?
Finish the sentence: Be present _________ & _________.
physically & mentally
Besides the headstaff meetings what else are you required to attend before camp starts?
Headstaff Retreat & fundraiser
What is a skill you will develop while being on headstaff?
What does C.I.T stand for?
counselor in training
How many tiers are in our organizational chart?
What is the ultimate tool of leadership?
What must you carry at all times?
Counselor & camper permission slips
Finish the sentence: To have a beneficial and fun experience with _____ _______.
helping others/youth
Who had the same kids for 4 years in a row?
Camp Salesian is a Salesian day camp created to give an opportunity to who?
Teens and children to have a safe summer.
Headstaff should be the best in what?
Name 3: time management, child care, psychological & emotional counseling, job implementation, and spirit!
Every week what will you turn in to us?
a counselor of the week
Your length of committment
January 22nd-August 5th
How long is the spirit stick?
6 ft