Trivia Question: What is the smallest mammal in the world? (A) Bumble Bee Bat (B) Humming Bird (C) Spider Monkey
Bumble Bee Bat
Trivia Question: What color is human blood inside the body? blue, black, or red
Trivia Question: Botany is the scientific study of what? medicine, birds, or plants
Trivia Question: The Statue of Liberty was given to the US by which country? England, Germany, France
What reptile lives the longest? Gila Monster, Giant Tortoise, African Bull Frog
Giant Tortoise
Trivia Question: Which planet is the hottest? Mercury, Mars, or Venus
Trivia Question: Quebec is a province in Canada. What language do they speak there? English, French, or Spanish
Trivia Question: In Greek mythology, who had snakes for hair and could turn people into stone if they looked at her? Hercules, Pegasus, or Medusa
Trivia Question: How many eyes does a bee have? 2,4,5,or 6
The wooly mammoth is most similar to what modern day animal?
Trivia Question: What’s the most populous city in the United States?
New York
Trivia Question: What was the first Disney animated film based on the life of a real person? Moana, Beauty & the Beast, or Pocahontas
Trivia Question: What is the world’s biggest island? Hawaii, Greenland, Bahamas, Maui
Trivia Question: What color is Absinthe? Red, Blue, Green, or purple
Trivia Question: Which famous artist painted the Mona Lisa? Michael Angelo, Pablo Picasso, or Leonardo Da Vinci
Leonardo Da Vinci
Trivia Question: Which famous painter was believed to have cut off his ear for his love?
Vincent Van Gogh
What is a "Bloke?" A) Another name for buffalo (B) A shark (C) Australian nickname for man (D) An egg
Australian nickname for man.
Trivia Question: Which country produces the most coffee in the world? USA, Mexico, or Brazil
Trivia Question: Who was the first American astronaut to step foot on the moon? Lance Armstrong, Neil Armstrong, Vince Armstrong
Neil Armstrong
What is the loudest animal on Earth? Lion, Eagle, Wolf, or Sperm Whale
Sperm whale
Trivia Question: What language is the most spoken worldwide?
Trivia Question: What is the largest desert in the world? Mohave, Sonoran, Sahara
What does BMW stand for (in English)? A) Better Motor Win (B) Best Motor Won (C) Berry Motors Wisconsin (D) Bavarian Motor Works
Bavarian Motor Works
Trivia Question: The male of what species testicles explode on mating and then dies? tarantula, Raven, honeybee, or octopus
Trivia Question: What is the fast animal in the world?
A Peregrine Falcon