Vocabulary Terms
Family Tree
Our lives, today....
Our ancestors' lives from the past
Match a tradition with its country
What is an ancestor?
Ancestors are people in your family that were born before your own generation. Grandparents and parents are examples of ancestors. Siblings, however, like your sister or brother, are NOT ancestors.
Which generation is at the bottom (trunk) of the tree?
The newest, youngest family members are at the bottom of the family tree.
What was different about most American schools before Martin Luther King was born?
Before Martin Luther King was born, many American schools were segregated. Black students attended black schools and white students attended schools with only other white children.
Which country celebrates its birthday with fireworks, barbecues, and flags with 50 white stars on a navy blue background, and 13 red & white stripes?
Our country, the United States of America, celebrates July Fourth with many traditional activities.
Can you name 3 American holidays that ALL Americans celebrate?
Three American holidays that ALL Americans celebrate are July 4th, Memorial Day, Presidents' Day, and Martin Luther King Day. Most Americans also celebrate Thanksgiving Day. However, Christmas, Kwanza, and Hanukkah are NOT celebrated by ALL Americans. These are religious holidays.
What is a game that you play at home, but was not played by your great-grandparents?
My great-grandparents did not have computers, so there were no computer games at all.
Can you name a tradition that the Navajo Nation is known for?
The Navajo people are known for their weaving. They make rugs using natural dyes that they get from native plants.Another special tradition of the Navajo people is telling coyote stories.
What is history?
History is the story of what has happened in the past.
What do we call your parents' parents?
My parents' parents are called grandparents: a grandmother and grandfather.
Before there were toy stores, how did children get their toys, usually?
Long ago, most toys were made by hand. Wealthy families could buy handmade toys made by others. However, poorer families usually made toys out of recycled materials.
What are some traditions that Mexicans do when they celebrate Mexican Independence Day?
On Mexican Independence Day, families have fiestas or parties. They may fry bunuelos, bits of dough sprinkled with sugar.
What is the name of the island in New York where immigrants were inspected for their health?
Immigrants arrived at Elllis Island and were checked by doctors before they could enter the United States. Occasionally, families were separated because one member had a disease and was not permitted to enter and live in the United States.
What is an education?
An education is the learning that you acquire (get) when you attend school. Education is learning!
How do you refer to your parents' grandparents?
My parents' grandparents are my great-grandparents.
How would your great-great grandparent have crossed the United States from the east coast to the west coast?
Since there were no automobiles long ago, nor were there trains or planes, Americans long ago had to travel by stagecoach or upon horses. The roads were not paved, so on rainy days, it was hard to move from place to place.
The Cambodian New Year is different than ours because it is NOT at the end of December and the start of January. When is Cambodian New Year?
Cambodians celebrate their New Year in April.
Can you give an example of a TRADITION that occurs on a certain holiday?
There are many possibilities. Tell about WHAT HAPPENS on the holiday. These things must happen the same way every year for them to be considered TRADITIONS.
What is a "mother country"?
A mother country is the country in which you were born. Mr. Kukawka's mother country is Poland because this is where he was born.
How was cooking different long ago?
Long ago, cooking was done on top of a stove or over the flames in a fireplace. People had to buy fresh food and preserve it, so it wouldn't spoil. Today, however, we have microwave ovens that cook quickly. We have refrigerators ad freezers that preserve food longer.
Which country puts out flags when it is someone's birthday?
Denmark, a country inside the continent of Europe, has this tradition. Danes put out flags to celebrate birthdays.
Do you think immigrants could carry everything they owned in a single suitcase? What might they have had to leave behind?
Most immigrants had to leave behind family members, pets, and friends. They could only take a few of their "belongings", the things that belonged to them. They usually could only take one piece of luggage to "lug" (carry) to their new home far away.