Can you borrow a book from the library?
Yes, you take a book, read it, then return it.
Borrow = to take or use something for a while and then return it
What are deserts like?
hot, dry, sandy, not much rain
Deserts = large, dry areas of land with little rain
What animal gallops?
Galloping = moving very quickly
True or False: Native Americans were the first-known inhabitants of North America.
True or False: All Native American tribes are the same.
False - Every tribe is different! They have different food, clothing, and shelter.
What could you see on the coast?
sand, water, mountains, trees, land, rocks, etc.
Coast = land next to the sea or ocean
What is the Native American tribe we've been learning about?
The Lakota Sioux
Tribes = groups of similar people who share a language, common ancestors, customs, and laws
What animal was sacred for the Lakota Sioux?
Buffalo - They moved with them and used them for everything.
Sacred = treated with respect
What kind of food do the Lakota Sioux eat?
buffalo, stew
Even though the Native American tribes are different, what are the three things that all people need?
food, clothing, and shelter
Who were warriors for the Lakota Sioux - the men/boys or women/girls?
The men and boys were warriors. They often used bows and arrows and rode on horseback.
Warriors = people who are good fighters and are experienced in battle
What is the person in charge of a tribe called?
A chief
Does finally mean at the beginning or the end?
The end. Example: After driving for hours, we finally got to Disney World.
Finally = last, at the end
What kind of clothing do the Lakota Sioux wear?
They use buffalo hide to make pants, dresses, moccasins. They also added fringes and beads.
What is the shelter for the Lakota Sioux called?
What is the horizon?
horizon = the place off in the distance where the land appears to meet the sky
What would a hunting party take with them?
Horses, bows and arrows, arrowheads, group of men/boys
hunting party = a group of people who hunt together
If I pick a tomato off the vine to eat, would it be succulent?
Yes, the tomato would be juicy and tasty because it is fresh.
Where did the Lakota Sioux live?
the Great Plains
What is the land on the Great Plains like? (think amount of grass, trees)
Lots of grass, few trees
Are monkeys agile when they swing from tree to tree?
Yes, they can move quickly and easily.
Pick a few students to roam around the room.
Roamed = wandered, walk around a large area with no real destination or goal
Yes! Your mom wouldn't want you to do that!
Mischief = behavior that can be naughty or against the rules
Turn & Talk: How are you and the Lakota Sioux different? (think food, clothing, shelter, environment)
Reference Native American chart
Why are the buffalo important to the Lakota Sioux?
They used every part of the animal for food, clothing, shelter, tools, toys, etc.