Star wars
Medieval weapons
Five nights at freddys

This bomb in world war 1 had an remote operator at the end of its long cable it was an bunker buster.

what is Goliath tracked mine?


This character uses an lightsaber that can adjust its length to suit the battle situation. He also is trapped inside an suit that keeps him in agony to make him angry and powerful

What is Darth vader?


Although now adays it is used like pepper spray there was an weapon with the same name that had an spiked ball on an staff called

What is a mace?


This terminator model from the first film had knowledge on its cpu of every weapon vehicle anatomy file medical program and infared mode for scanning or power saving mode it can also see well but is used typically as infiltrator unit what model is it

What is T800?


these animatronics are only an figment of the characters imagination in fnaf 4 they are also scariest 

What is the Nightmare animatronics?


This was the largest battleship ever to see combat in world war 2 it was the pride and joy of the japanese imperial navy

What is IJN yamato


In star wars battlefront if you are looking to inflict damage on enemies in battle mode at close range you would use this small but powerful blaster

What is sonic blaster?


This is an weapon typically used in jousting one of our astronauts had it as his first name also

What is Lance?


This liquid metal mimetic polyalloy foe from terminator 2 judgment day was called 

What is T1000?


This mechanical wonder in fnaf can be worn as an suit with its parts like hydraulics and springlocks still inside after removeing some of the endoskeleton it can also be put back in and used as an animatronic

What is the springlock animatronic?

Germany in world war 2 had plans to build what would be the biggest Tank to ever see combat unfortunately it had an couple major flaws and never made it out of blueprint form what was the tank called

What is P1000 Ratte?


Fear leads to anger and anger leads to hate what did yoda say the last path to the dark side was

What is Hate leads to suffering?


This is an room usually hidden above the gates of an castle on outer wall archers could stand in here and fire upon intruders

What is a Gatehouse?


 Big tank like terminator from the begining of terminator in the future war scene is called

What is Hk Tank?


He is an halucination in the first game and his body is left in kitchen remnants of once having an endoskeleton are gone as his is in the parts and services

What is golden freddy?


This technique in naval warfare involved turning all turrets on battleship to enemy and opening fire with all guns or in an rythmic fire pattern

What is Salvo?


This is the planet where many jedi would go to find kyber crystals or crystals for their lightsabers. It is also the planet the starkiller base was on

What is Illum?


This is an sword usually used by wielding it with two hands its name says it all

What is an broadsword?

What is an longsword?


This terminator model is the bulkieststands at 8 ft tall and can punch through concrete and metal but is also unable to do successful infiltration due to its rubber skin peeling off it is scene in terminator salvation

What is T600?


She can dance she can sing she can even dispense ice cream she can interact she can inflate balloons and is newer what animatronic is it

What is Circus baby?


Russians had an tank that looked strange in nature it was nicknamed Stalins refridgerator what was the actual name of this tank

What is the Kv 2?


Everyones favorite duo an golden droid and his blue friend both known to all as

What is R2D2 and c3po?


sometimes this thing around an castle would contain water but other times it could have crocadiles snakes spikes chained spikes ect

What is a Moat?


When talking to John connor in terminator 2 after rescuing him on the motorcycle john figures out that he is not human in which the terminator tells him he is made of what

What is Titanium metal?


Still in 2022 no one knows the answer as to what animatronic cause this major event in fnaf

What is the bite of 87?
