Whats 5 times 3
What color is the cookie monster in Seseme Street?
Dark Blue
How Old is Nick Kygrios?
27 years old
How many ingredients does it take to make cheese balls?
3 ingredients
When did the TV Show called Stranger Things come out?
Whats -16 + 5
What puppy is dark blue in paw patrol?
How Old is Rafael Nadal?
36 years old
How much ingredients does it take to make potato rings?
5 ingredients
When Did this TV Show Called Ms Marvel came out?
Whats 5 times 17
This cartoon is bald and wears a yellow shirt, what is this cartoon's name?
How Old is Serena Williams?
40 years old
How many ingredients does it take to make Oreo Ice Cream?
4 Ingredients
When did this TV Show Called Derry Girls Come out?
If I had tennis in 40 minutes, if it takes me 16 minutes to get home to tennis, and I do exercises for 20 minutes, how much time do I have until I start playing tennis?
4 minutes left to start playing tennis
This cartoon has 2 little bunnies, what cartoon show can it be?
Max and Ruby
How Old is Taylor Swift?
32 years old
How Much Time does it take to make edible chocolate chip cookie dough?
2 minutes
When did this TV Show called When they See us come out?
If I had 1 hour of ground strokes, 10 minutes of 3 water breaks, and 45 minutes of points, then how much of the Tennis lesson do I have?
I would have 2 hours and 15 minutes of a tennis lesson
This cartoon is a little blue person with a pink elephant and a yellow and dark green duck, which cartoon show can it be?
How Old is Mini Jake Paul?
9 years old
How Many Ingredients does it take to make homemade bread?
2 ingredients
When Did this TV Show called A League of their own come out?