When fouled in this area, a penalty is awarded. It has the exact same dimensions on every soccer field.

What is the penalty box/18 yard box?


This is the largest bone in the human body, and it connects the pelvic girdle to the tibia.

What is the femur?


A method to ensure that falling does not kill you, and requires two people, one person on the ground and one who is climbing, both connected to the same rope.

What is belaying?


Keeping the same theme of rewarding righteousness rather than birthright, this Book of Mormon character was forced to flee from his brothers to avoid death. He clearly did not flee far enough tho, as their kids had beef for hundreds of years.

Who is Nephi (the first)?


The largest land mammal on earth right now.

What is the African Elephant? (Your mom will also be accepted for credit)


Winning both the Leagues Cup and the Ballon d'Or this year, this player is a legend who used to play for FC Barcelona

Who is Lionel Messi?


Its name is indicative of it having two heads, unlike the three-headed muscle that lies opposite to it

What is the biceps (brachii)?


His first ascent of Silence, the hardest route in the world, and all of his major career achievements make this person arguably the best climber in the world, possibly to ever exist.

Who is Adam Ondra?


The missing word in this scripture: "But charity is the ____ love of Christ, and it endureth forever."

What is pure?

My google search for the definition of this stated: "a perfectly formed wave that a surfer can ride inside of."
What is a barrel?

Cherry-picking is the term for positioning oneself at the goal line and scoring cheap goals. This rule prevents players from doing this by keeping them in line with the last defender.

What is offsides?


This movement occurs when the insertion point is brought farther away from the origin of the muscle. For example, straightening a bent arm or leg.

What is extension?


When the ledge is only big enough for the tips of your fingers to fit, you use this method to hold on, which also happens to be a method of styling hair.

What is crimping?


The main contents of this book in the bible follow exactly as the name suggests: Jeremiah the prophet expressing sorrow for the plight of Jerusalem. 

What is Lamentations?


A YouTube gameshow whose theme song begins with, "tall guy, beard, twins, purple hoser."

What is Overtime?


When there is controversy, dispute, or an aggressive foul, this relatively new addition to top-flight soccer helps ensure that the call made on the field is correct. 

What is VAR?

While definitely not talked about as much, this vital organ system contains the spleen.

What is the lymphatic system?


Typically, climbers rest in the middle of longer or more difficult routes to give their fingers and arms time to recover by employing this climbing move.

What is a kneebar?


This word sparked a controversial website that was quickly taken down for what some called priestcraft. Devin G. Durrant apologized for it, as he was the one who first coined this term that combined two different words into one.

What is ponderize?


Always lamenting about his produce being destroyed by the protagonist of the show, this character is played in the live-action by the same person who voiced them in the cartoon.

Who is the cabbage merchant/man?


Both baseball and soccer share this unpredictable method of throwing/kicking. Cristiano Ronaldo is a good example of someone who employs it well.

What is knuckling/a knuckleball?


The insertion of the patellar tendon.

What is the tibial tuberosity?

Freerider on El Capitan has 32 of them.

What is a pitch?


The existence of the Book of Mormon and the Pearl of Great Price, not necessarily the contents, refutes this protestant doctrine. 

What is sola scriptura?


They say that his work on Enigma helped to shorten World War 2 by years.

Who is Alan Turing?
