The age that the UN uses to define a child
What is 0-18?
Goal is to maintain international peace and security and develop friendly relations among nations
What is the United Nations?
The 8 goals that existed before the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?
What are the Millenium Development Goals (MDGs)
The only country that has yet to ratify the UNCRC
What is the United States?
The UN headquarters are located here
New York
The 3 SDGs most closely related to our work
What are SDG indicators 5.3, 8.7 and 16.2 indicators?
The number of articles in the UNCRC
The year the UN was established
1945 - after World War II
An international document promoting child rights, drafted by Eglantyne Jebb (Founder of Save the Children) and adopted by the League of Nations in 1924
What is the Declaration of the Rights of the Child or the Geneva Declaration?
UNESCO proclaimed this as the International Year of the Child
What is 1979?
António Guterres
Who is the current UN Secretary General?
The UN Agency responsible for children's rights around the world
Every child has the right to be protected from any work that is dangerous, that interferes with their education or that is harmful to their health. Governments must set a minimum working age and make sure working conditions are safe and appropriate.
What is article 32 of the CRC on Child Labor