How many party members does kazuma's party have and what are their names??
His party consist of 4 member which are :aqua, megumin, darkness, and kazuma him self
Why was kazuma sent to prison ?
Because he teleported the destroyer to a nobles house
We meet princess Iris
What was megumin's goal in the wizards school ??
Learned explosion magic
This person teached kazuma the spell STEALLLLL
What did kazuma wish to take with him to the other world ?
The goddess who was laughting at him aqua
how was kazuma saved from being executed?
Darkness appealed the decision since she is a from a prestige family
What does kazuma considers iris as ?
He considers her a little sister
What did megumin ask for every time she defeated yunyu in a competition
Owner of the magical shop in the beggining town
What are kazuma's highest stats in his adventurers card
When kazuma and aqua were exploring a dungeon of the undead what was the reason that undead kept attacking them?
Because aqua's godly power were attracting the undead towards them
Why was darkness gonna mary a noble guy ??
Because her family owned a huge amount of money
What name did megumin gave to the cat at the end ?
This character appears every now and then and challenges 1 character in specific to duels
How did kazuma die that it made aqua laught ??
He saved a girl from what he though it was a truck but it was actually a small tractor and he died from a heart attack of the fact he though he was gonna die
What did the noble wanted darkness to do for him so he would spare Kazuma's life ??
He wanted her to marry his son
Who is kazuma's true love interest
What was megumin willing to do to save her sister ??
Give up on learning explosion magic
The blond chick that works on the taberns
Whats the name of the giant fortress that the gang destroyed
Its called the destroyer
In the city of the termal water aka the hot baths why did kazuma HATED the city
Because no one would shut up about joining the church who followed aqua
Who is cannonically Kazuma's best friend ??
Kazuma's considers aqua his best friend
When kid megumin was saved by the wizard what was her original first 3 wishes before asking to learn explosion magic ??
1 she wanted to rule the world, 2 she ask for big breasts, 3 she ask to become the devil king it self
This character owes the magic shop along side Wiz and he was originally a villain