Wehewehe o Na Hua ʻŌlelo
Restoration of the Sovereign
Finish the line

What is the meaning of the word ho'iho'i?

vt. To return, send back, restore. Cf. hoʻi 1. E hoʻihoʻi aku ʻoe i ka lio iā Kale, take the horse back to Charles. Pēlā anei ʻoukou e hoʻihoʻi aku ai iā Iēhowa? (Kanl. 32.6) Do you thus requite Jehovah? (PNP foki-foki.)


When was Lā Hoʻihoʻi Ea established and by who?

1843 under Kamehameha III, Kauikeaouli


Moloka'i Nui A ________. 



What is the meaning of the word Lā?

Day, Sun


What events happened for Lā Hoʻihoʻi Ea to come about? 

A temporary occupation by rogue agents of the British Crown. Effective control of the government had been seized, and all Hawaiian flags were lowered and burned by order of British Lord George Paulet.


Me ka ulu kukui a'o ________ .

* Famous Kukui grove on Moloka'i



What best describes the word Ea?

1. n. Sovereignty, rule, independence. Lā Hoʻihoʻi Ea, Restoration Day. Hoʻihoʻi i ke ea o Hawaiʻi, restore the sovereignty of Hawaiʻi.

2. n. Life, air, breath, respiration, vapor, gas; fumes, as of tobacco; breeze, spirit (Isa. 42.5). This ea, as well as ea 1, 3, 4, is sometimes pronounced or sung ʻea. Cf. eamāmā, eaolamāmā. Kaha ea, to deprive of rights of livelihood. Wai ea, aerated waters. Hoʻopuka ea, exhaust fumes. Ua mau ke ea o ka ʻāina i ka pono (motto of Hawaiʻi), the life of the land is preserved in righteousness. He palupalu lākou, he ea hele wale aku (Hal. 78.39), they were flesh, a wind that passes away. Kāʻili ʻia aku ke ea o ʻAberahama (Kin. 25.8), Abraham gave up the ghost; lit., the breath of life was snatched away.

3. vi. To rise, go up, raise, become erect. Cf. aea, eʻea, hōʻea. Kai ea (Kep. 183), rising sea. Ua ea kona poʻo, his head was raised. Ke ea ʻana o ka ʻai, ka iʻa (Kep. 97), the obtaining of poi, fish.. ʻAʻole hoʻi au e ea maluna o koʻu wahi moe (Hal. 132.3), I will not go up into my bed. (PPN eʻa.)

4. vi. To smell. Also ʻea. Cf. maea, māeaea. Ea ʻinoʻino, ea pilau, evil-smelling, rotten-smelling. (Perhaps PEP ea.)


What English Monarch sent Admiral Richard Thomas to restore Hawai'i's Monarch?

Queen Victoria


Kamali'i makou o ________. 



Meaning of the word Mālama?

1. nvt. To take care of, tend, attend, care for, preserve, protect, beware, save, maintain; to keep or observe, as a taboo; to conduct, as a service; to serve, honor, as God; care, preservation, support, fidelity, loyalty; custodian, caretaker, keeper. Cf. makemake, mālama hale, mālama hele, mālama moku, mālama pūʻolo, pālama 1. Mālama ʻana, custody. Mālama pono ʻia, well cared for. Mālama pono! Be careful! Watch out! Mālama makua, one who cares for parents. Mālama wahine, caring for one's wife. Mālama i kou makua kāne, honor your father. Mālama kauoha, obey orders. Mālama Lā Kāpaki, keeping the Sabbath. Ē kuʻu Akua, e mālama au iāʻoe ma ka noʻonoʻo, O my God, let me serve you in thought. O ka hoʻolohe a me ka mālama pono i ke aupuni, obedience and fidelity due the government. Ka mālama ʻole i kō haʻi ola, negligence of the lives of others. hoʻo.mā.lama


On July 31, 1843 what proclamation or saying was made by Kauikeaouli?

 Ua mau ke ea o ka aina i ka pono. The sovereignty of the Hawaiian nation is restored by righteousness.





what is the meaning of Hānai?

1. nvs. Foster child, adopted child; foster, adopted. Keiki hānai, foster child. Lawe hānai, to adopt a child. Makua hānai, foster parent. Kāna hānai, his adopted child.

2. nvt. To raise, rear, feed, nourish, sustain; provider, caretaker (said affectionately of chiefs by members of the court). Cf. akua hānai, hanaiāhuhu, hanaina. Hānai holoholona, to feed and care for domestic animals. Makamaka hānai, generous and hospitable friend. Hānai ā momona, to fatten. Hānai maila ʻoia iāia i ka meli (Kanl. 32.13), he fed him the honey. (PPN faangai.)

3. n. Body of a kōkō net carrier, and cords attached to it; fish net or trap, as for ʻoʻopu fish; kite.

4. Same as hanahanai.

5. n. Hawaiʻi name for mānai, needle.

6. vi. To skim along.


In what year did the "Current State of Hawai'i" make Lā Hoʻihoʻi Ea a state recognized Holiday?   

2022. Signed into law on Julyu 19, 2022 by Gov. Ige 



