what color is banana
what date is Christmas
dec 25
what is mommy's b day
jan 6 1993
What drinks have a marble in it?
What has a head an tail and no body?
A coin
what colors can choclate be
white and brown
what date
is Valetine's day
feb 14
what is annelise's b day
jan 23 2013
What drink do Annelise, Kora and Mommy like?
Dr. Pepper
what can you catch but never throw?
A cold
what color is asock's bed
what date is st patrick's day
march 17
what day is daddy's b day on
feb 14 1993
What is the most popular soda?
Coca cola
I have no life but I can die, What am I?
what color is trey's old bed
dark blue
what day is thanksgiving
nov 27
what day is kora's b day on
April 28 2017
What is the least popular soda?
Diet Coke
I am an odd number, take away a letter and I become even, what number am I?
what color is bluey
what date is easter on in 2025
April 20
what day is uncle mikey's b day
oct 2 1995
Which soda has the most sugar?
Mountain Dew
What has to be broken before you can use it?
An egg