How many teeth does the adult human have?
What is the term for knocking all ten bowling pins down?
What is the name of the actor who played Jack Dawson in Titanic?
Leonardo DiCaprio
The only two time winner of the Kovar family Duck Cup.
Who is Chase?
Which world famous female artist is also known as Queen B?
What is the scientific symbol for potassium?
Which boxer was known as "The Greatest" and "The People's Champion?"
Muhammad Ali
Who Played Neo in The Matrix?
Keanu Reeves
where is "the cloud gate" located, also known as "metal bean"
Which band originated in Great Britain and took the world by storm with songs like "Hey Jude" and "Here Comes the Sun?"
The Beatles
What is your body's largest organ?
The Skin
Which Chess piece can only move diagonally?
Which actor appeared in the movie "Face Off" and "Ghost Rider?"
Nicholas Cage
What is the smallest country in the world?
Vatican City
Which artist is married to Orlando Bloom?
Katy Perry
Which planet has the most gravity?
Which heavyweight boxing champion was the only one to finish his career of 49 fights without a defeat?
Rocky Marciano
Who did the voice of groot in Marvel?
Vin Diesel
what event in history was the most world changing
industrial revolution
what song is also known as moztaso!
Dont stand so close
What is the most abundant gas in the Earth’s atmosphere?
which country won the first ever football world cup
The most popular quote in star wars
I am your father
what was the biggest earthquake recorded
9.5 in chile
Who was the lead singer of the iconic 80's band Culture Club?
Boy George
What part of the atom has no electric charge?
When Michael Jordan played for the Chicago Bulls, how many NBA championships did they win?
Who directed "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy?
Peter Jackson
What city is traditionally said to be built on seven hills?
what was the most famouse song in camp rock?
This is me- Demi L