What does KAA and PC stand for?
KAA: Kuya/Ate/Ading
PC: Peer Counselor
What does SSF stand for?
What are the 3 three components of SPACES
Josephine and Alyssa
What 2 social justice topics did we cover in KAA workshops?
Compton Cookout and Black Winter
Name 1 component head of Kuya/Ate/Ading and 1 component head of the Peer Counselors
KAA: Jelena, Danielle, Riana
PC: Marinelle, Alyssa
Name a STAR board member from each component of Alumni, Academic, SSF
Alumni: Courtney, Josephine
Academic: Kim, Roxanne
SSF: Ryan, Angela
What resource center do we hold GBM's in?
Cross Cultural Center (CCC)
Which STAR Board members are old AF (aka 4th years)
Arnel, Courtney, Jelena, Josephine, Kim
What does STAR stand for?
Student Teaching Academic Retention
What were the requirements to be apart of the KAA program this quarter?
- 2 KP events
- KAA application
- 1 KAA workshop
What is the alumni counsel acronym and what does it stand for?
PAC - Pilipino/a/x Alumni Counsel
What resource on campus offers free therapy, drop in workshops, wellness Peer-Educators, Triton Flourish?
What was last years PCC called?
Pangako Ko Sayo
What is this years Peer Counselor group called?
AM Angels
What is SSF's main event that involves lunch and networking?
Where is the Undocumented Student Services Center located?
Student Services 5th Floor
When was KP founded?
Name 5 families in KP
MIA, PSYP, Pham, CKF, A-Team, VIP, TTT, Diamond, Anti-Heros, Bossy, KYA, GNE, PSWERVE, GLO, MAFIA
Name one Alumni from last years Main, STAR, CORE board?
Pao, JP, Ryan, Kathleen, Gabby, Joey, Celestra, Chelsea, Abby, Nick
The Hub - Old Student Services Center
Which STAR board member was the STAR of PCC 2018 (and accidentally mooned the crowd)?
Ms. Marinelle
What High Schools does KP CORE do on-sites at?
Morse and O'Farrell