What is Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter?
This helps drain urine in the bladder
What is indwelling urinary catheter (IUC)?
This type of Pneumonia severe than viral Pneumonia
What is Bacterial Pneumonia?
Pressure Injuries are most likely to occur on these population
What is older adult and bed, or chair confined?
Illness from C. Diff often occurs from this
What is antibiotic medicine?
This practice of hygiene I do to eliminate germs on the skin
What is Chlorhexidine Wipe?
Let me check after how many days I think the catheter may not be needed
What is 2 days?
Acquired Pneumonia more serious than the other
What is Hospital Acquired Pneumonia (HAP)?
These pressure injuries start looking like these _ patches on the body
What is red, blue, or purplish?
Severe infection of C Diff loses too much of this
What is bodily fluid?
Intravenous Therapy medications of this length I may need a Line
What is two weeks or more?
They say place the urinary bag
What is below the bladder?
You are at an increased risk of Pneumonia if you belong to these groups:
What is the Age over 65, in the hospital or long-term care facility, smoke, weakened immune system?
Stage this sore that deepens and looks like a crater
What is sore at Stage 3?
Infection on this colon becomes inflamed and get larger
What is toxic megacolon?
This Intravenous Port I cover with this Main Ingredient
What is chlorhexidine (curos)?
Urinary catheters inserted on these 2 ways
What are Transurethral and Suprapubic?
You seek medical attention for these signs of Pneumonia
What is congestion or chest pain, difficulty of breathing, fever of 102 degrees F or higher, coughing up yellow, green, bloody mucus, or secreted?
loss of appetite, fatigue, rapid heart rate, altered mental state, bluish skin
This plays an essential role in pressure injury healing
What is nutrition?
These much of watery diarrhea a day
What is 10-15 times a day?
Improper removal of the Line results to 6.7% of this
What is Symptomatic Venous Thromboembolism?
CAUTI is associated with these
What is increase length of stays, mortality rates, higher costs
Why not try these to prevent Hospital Acquired Pneumonia (HAP)
What is oral brushing/oral care, breathing exercises (IS), mobility exercises?
Pressure Injury prevention protocol includes
What is 2 RN skin assessment, turn every 2 hours, apply creams ointment as needed, use of skin injury prevention supplies available, nutrition screening, mobility (OOB to chair/ambulate) as tolerated?
Name these main interventions to prevent C Diff spread in a hospital care facility
What is handwashing only, wear of PPE, bleach on equipment's or devices in contact with patient?