This Youtuber is most known for his video "History of the entire world i guess"
bill wurtz
When you go camping you usually sleep in one of these
Star Wars has this many episodes
This is one of LEGO's most expensive sets due to its size and popularity in the Movie Star Wars
Death Star
This is a popular Italian dish that's usually served in a square shape
This is the most disliked video on YouTube
YouTube Rewind 2018: Everyone Controls Rewind
You will need to know how to make this in order to cook food during a campout
The original Star Wars movie came out in what year
There is a LEGO store in this mall located in Minneapolis Minnesota
Mall of America
This fruit is popular to eat during the summer
YouTube recently released a new version to watch videos in 3d what's the mode called
360 degrees mode
This is an active thing to do on a campout
This popular Star Wars show aired on Disney+ in 2019 and has 2 seasons
This LEGO commercial has many memes on it
This food is popular in Japan
The channel MrBeast joined YouTube on this date
February 19th 2012
You will need this to see at night during a campout
This is considered to be the worst Star Wars movie
Attack of the Clones
Every summer on the 4th of July there is this food eating contest
YouTube came out on this date
December 15th 2005
You won't want these in your tent if you're camping where there are bears
Star Wars The Force Awakens came out on this date
December 18, 2015
LEGO was invented on this date
August 10th 1932
Honey Nut Cheerios