What is the most recent anime that Kristen has finished (according to MAL)?
Mob Psycho 100 III
The day Kristen burst into this world (birth date)
January 7, 1993
What is Kristen's favorite color?
Blue da ba dee da ba di
How did Kristen meet Candace?
Middle school
"...but I remember Drawing class and Environmental Club as standout places that had a lot of memories. There's so much history there and I feel like every time I see her, I feel it, because it's so comfortable to be around someone who knows me so well
(I should save some of this stuff for the MoH speech)." -Candace
How many pillows does Kristen need to sleep comfortably?
Three (or one Hak, since the rest can't fit)
How many anime series has Kristen completed? (Price is Right rules!)
370 (Completed) - That's 6,375 episodes, or 2,577 hours (107.38 days) of watching anime!
What are the first names of Kristen's siblings?
Angelo and Kenjiro
What type of insect is Kristen incredibly knowledgeable about, so much so that she kept a colony of these in her backyard?
How did Kristen meet Reina?
Via Erin (A new year's party in a house full of horses)
"What stood out to me was her rants. She's passionate about learning about things that interest her and I get super stoked when I see and hear her talk. She's also really fun to tease." -Kristen
What nickname does Kristen call Jordan (affectionately)?
Name three anime characters that Kristen has cosplayed
[look to Kristen for confirmation]
What are the first names of Kristen's parents?
Gino and Joy
What type of food would Kristen never turn down?
Hot pot and soup dumplings
How did Kristen meet Leo?
Band class in high school
"I thought she was really funny when I first met her." -Leo
What is Kristen's least favorite movie genre?
Name one of Kristen's top 5 favorite anime (bonus points for naming any additional series!)
Fate/Zero (2nd season), Great Teacher Onizuka, Golden Kamuy, Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Seto no Hanayome
What is Kristen's credit card number?
[look to Kristen for confirmation]
What is Kristen's favorite season of the year?
How did Kristen meet Derrel?
Orientation Day at Ramapo
"I met him the first week of college like Mikey! To me it seemed that he kept to himself but I learned that he's a fellow weeb and silly guy. He's famous for his hand drawn meteors and giggles when he looks at memes." -Kristen
What is a hobby that Kristen would like to get into, but hasn't yet?
Who is Kristen's favorite anime character?
Edward Elric (Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood)
4' 10"
What is Kristen's favorite karaoke song? (extra points for singing it)
"My Heart Will Go On" by Celine Dion
How did Kristen meet Jordan?
Through a dating app (Facebook Dating)
"When I first saw him I thought he was really adorable because he was so short - I wasn't used to dating short dudes! But he's great and he's the perfect size for me!" -Kristen
If Kristen had a million dollars, what type of place of business would she choose to open?
A maid cafe!