Where did Connie live prior to coming to Odyssey
What is the name of Whit's shop?
Whit's End
Who is the leader of the Bones of Wrath?
Rodney Rathbone
What co-worker does Connie frequently argue with?
What did Whit send with Jimmy on his trip in "Family Vacation"
Whit's Boredom Buster
What is Whit's full name
John Avery Whitaker
Who wrote for the Odyssey Owl
Who was the shock jock DJ on Odyssey radio
Cryin Brian Dern
What family did a staycation when they were trying to save money?
The Barclays
What is Connie's half sister's name
Who was Whit's childhood best friend?
Jack Allen
What character became Mayor of Odyssey
Tom Riley
Who owns J & J antiques?
Jack & Joann Allen
Where did the Barclays vacation with the Rathbones
Who was Connie's boyfriend that she broke up with because he was not a Christian?
What is Whit's grandson's name?
What kids started a small house fire while their parents were gone?
Jimmy & Donna Barclay
What is a WodFamChocSod?
World Famous Chocolate Soda
Where does Whit travel for Universal Press board meetings
What are Connie's parents names?
Bill & June
What are the names of Whit's 3 children
Jason, Jerry, Janna
What character thought she knew the date of Christ's return?
Melanie Jacobs
What is the name of Tom Riley's son
Who is Whit's missionary friend who tries to find the Cross of Cortes
Dan Isidro