How many siblings does Kristina have?
What does Sam do during the day?
Doctors people
What is Kristina's favorite season?
Would Kristina rather have an unlimited budget for her dream house or an unlimited travel budget?
Unlimited travel budget
Who made the first move?
What is Kristina's "church nickname"?
Soup Queen
What fun location does Sam go to every year with his family to celebrate Christmas?
What is Kristina's favorite restaurant location?
People's Kitchen - this week. It will change.
Would Kristina rather be 10 minutes late or 10 minutes early?
1 hour late please!
Where was their first date?
That's hard to define. Kristina's house? We'll accept Costco as well.
What household chore does Kristina hate the most?
What is Sam's top physical attribute (besides his mustache)?
Tall - like a gazelle
What is Kristina's favorite dessert?
Key Lime Pie or Strawberry Shortcake
Would Kristina rather be a CEO or a Celebrity?
What is the first TV show Kristina and Sam binged together?
Great British Baking Show
Which sport did Kristina dominate in High School?
What is Sam's favorite hobby?
Running. We'll also accept Doctoring
Where is Kristina's favorite vacation location?
Leland, MI
If Kristina is in a new city for one night, is she looking for the nicest restaurant or the most popular club?
Most popular club - to dance the night away
What was the theme of their first photo shoot together?
JCPenny Denim
What is Kristina's middle name?
What did Kristina do that caused Sam to fall in love with her?
She gave him a banana to go with his peanut butter pancakes.
Who is Kristina's favorite pup?
Would Kristina rather have the best singing voice or the best dance moves?
Best singing voice
Who said I love you first?