Connotation vs Denotation

Which of the following parts of speech is used to describe a noun?

a) noun

b) verb

c) adjective

d) adverb

c) adjective


Give three examples of proper nouns.

answers may vary


What literary device is used in the following sentence:

The flowers danced playfully in the summer wind.



What is connotation?

the underlying meaning of a word; how a word makes you feel; the associations you have with a word


Will is the narrator of Long Way Down.

What is the meaning of the word narrator?

the person telling a story


Which of the following sentences is correct:

a) The boys left their cell phones at home.

b) The boys left they're cell phones at home.

c) The boys left there cell phones at home.

a) The boys left their cell phones at home.


Which sentence correctly uses commas?

a) Mr. Stringer my math teacher is going to Spain.

b) Mr. Stringer, my math teacher is going to Spain.

c) Mr. Stringer my math teacher is going, to Spain.

d) Mr. Stringer, my math teacher, is going to Spain.

d) Mr. Stringer, my math teacher, is going to Spain.


Read the following passage:

The sun was setting over the horizon, casting a warm glow over the tranquil countryside. Sarah sat by the window, watching the colors of the sky change from vibrant oranges to soft purples. As the darkness enveloped the land, she felt a sense of peace wash over her.

What is the tone of the passage?

peaceful, calming, tranquil, serene, etc


What is denotation?

the dictionary or literal definition of a word


What is the meaning of the word diligent in this sentence:

The teacher commended Sarah for her diligent efforts in completing the assignment.

a) hardworking

b) lazy

c) careless

d) hasty

a) hardworking


 Identify the conjunction in the sentence: "I like both chocolate and vanilla ice cream."



Choose the correct verb tense for the sentence:

I __________ my homework when the phone rang.

a) am doing

b) was doing

c) did

d) will do

b) was doing


An article about Antartica includes the following detail: "A mug of boiling water thrown in the air would freeze before it hit the ice."

Why does the passage include this detail?

a) to explain how hot the water in Antartica is

b) to inform readers what people drink in Antartica

c) to convey how cold it is in Antartica

d) to convince readers to visit Antartica

c) to convey how cold it is in Antartica


Which word has a more negative connotation?

a) stubborn

b) persistent

a) stubborn


What is the meaning of the word accumulated in the following sentence:

The snow accumulated on the ground until the school made the call to have a snow day.

increase in number/size


Which of the following sentences is written in passive voic

a) The dog chased the cat.

b) The cat was chased by the dog.

c) The cat chased the dog.

b) The cat was chased by the dog.


Which of the following is an independent clause?

a) Why sleep is important

b) The importance of sleep

c) Sleep is important

c) Sleep is important


Read the following passage:

Advertising affects our lives everyday. Brand names are common household words. We start each day using the toothpaste, soap, and breakfast foods promoted by advertisers. Ads have made the cars we drive signs of our success. Our choices of food, dress, and entertainment are swayed by ads. Not one aspect of American life is untouched by advertising.

What is the main idea?

Advertising affects our daily lives.

What is the connotation of the word reckless in the following sentence?

She was a reckless driver who showed little care for pedestrians or other drivers on the road.

negative, careless, irresponsible

The dark clouds were ominous, signaling an approaching storm.

Which of the following words is closest in meaning to ominous?

a) scary

b) dark

c) foreboding

d) terrifying

c) foreboding


Identify the part of speech for the word "quickly" in the sentence: "She ran quickly to catch the bus."



Correct the sentence:

Each of the students were given a homework assignment.

Each of the students was given a homework assignment.

What is juxtaposition? Give an example.

when an author places two contrasting ideas side by side

ex. night and day, heat and cold


Which of the following bolded words has a negative connotation?

a) The family never spends money; they are very thrifty.

b) The family never spends money; they are very frugal.

c) The family never spends money; they are very stingy.

d) The family never spends money; they are very economical.

c) stingy


Tonya was relaxing with a magazine when her father walked in, looking perturbed and sounding annoyed, too.

What word(s) give you clues to the meaning of perturbed?

a) relaxing

b) sounding annoyed, too

c) walked in

d) reading a magazine

b) sounding annoyed, too
