Recovery Programs
Stages of Change
Additional Counseling Skills
What is Ethics?
The discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligations-ethics are the principles of conduct governing an individual or group.
Who founded Alcoholic Anonymousand and in what year?
Bill W. a New York stockbroker and Dr. Bob an Akron surgeon founded Alcoholic Anonymous in 1935.
Describe Pre-contemplation in Stages of Change?
The costs of the problem behavior (such as drug use) are not yet recognized. They may have made previous attempts to change, but have since given up- "I don't see how my cocaine use warrants concern, but I hope that by agreeing to talk about it, my wife will feel reassured".
Was the GAF scale dropped from the DSM-5?
Yes because of a lack of clinical utility and reliability.
When should a counselor use the skill Confrontation when speaking to a client?
When he/she needs to point out contradictions in the client's behavior/statements.
Can confidential information about a client or any other individual be given in a medical emergency?
Yes, but only necessary information may be disclosed to medical personnel. This information needs to be documented in the client's records/chart including the name and affiliation of the person receiving the information and the name of the person making the disclosure.
What is Rational Recovery?
Founded by Jack Trimpey in 1986, Rational Recovery a recovery program that does not foster or encourage a specific value or religious belief system. Rational Recovery uses the AVRT-Addictive Voice Recognition Technique.
Describe Contemplation in the Stages of Change?
There is ambivalence about change. The individual recognizes reasons to change their behavior but still has hesitations- "I can picture how quitting heroin would improve my self-esteem, but I can't imagine never shooting up again".
What constitutes a diagnostic code for mild symptoms of substance abuse?
Two to three symptoms
What is the skill Interpreting?
That's when a counselor presents the client with alternative ways of looking at his/her situation.
What is "Duty to Warn"?
It implies that when a therapist's client is threatening violence to a specific victim the therapist has a responsibility to warn both the intended victim and the appropriate police officials of the danger.
What is SOS-Secular Organization for Sobriety?
SOS is a recovery program which aims to provide an alternative, giving you all the same support in recovery that you would find in AA or NA but without the requirement of accepting any version of a Higher Power in order to begin.
Describe Preparation in the Stages of Change.
The individual has decided to make a change and begins to consider how to do so. Minor adjustments in behavior may be made during this stage- "I'm feeling good about setting a quit date, but I'm wondering if I have the courage to follow through".
What constitutes a diagnostic code for moderate symptoms of substance abuse?
Four to five symptoms
What is the skill Attending?
That is when a counselor demonstrates a concern for and/or an interest in the client by eye contact, body posture, and accurate verbal following.
Is a subpoena, search warrant or arrest warrant sufficient enough to release information about a client?
No. State and federal courts may issue orders authorizing programs to release information that otherwise would be unlawful. However, certain procedures are required when such court orders are issued.
What is Rational Recovery?
Rational Recovery provides a means for self-recovery from addiction to any mind/mood altering substance(s)
Describe the Action Stage of Change
Action is taken to end the previous problem behavior The individual may be avoiding previous triggers, reaching out for help, or taking other steps to avoid temptation- "Staying clean for the past 3 weeks really makes me feel good, but part of me wants to celebrated by getting loaded".
What constitutes a diagnostic code for severe symptoms of substance abuse?
Six or more symptoms
What is the skill Probing?
A counselor's response that directs the client's attention inward to help both parties examine the client's situation in greater depth.
Can confidentiality be broken when a client is a danger to himself or others?
Yes. Ethical principles permit a breach of confidentiality when a client poses a danger to himself or others.
What is Moderation Management?
Moderation Management is a behavioral change program and national support group network for people concerned about their drinking and who desire to make positive lifestyle changes. It promotes early self recognition of risky drinking behavior, when moderate drinking is a more easily achievable goal.
Describe Maintenance in the Stages of Change.
The changes made during the action stage are maintained. The individual may continue to face challenges maintaining the change- "These recent months of abstinence have made me feel that I'm progressing toward recovery, but I'm still wondering whether abstinence is really necessary".
The biggest change in the DSM-5 is what?
The removal of the distinction between abuse and dependence.
What is feedback when talking to a client?
A verbal or nonverbal response that the counselor makes as a result of processing the information received from listening to the client.