What must you do if you have a question?
Raise your Hand ... wait to be asked.
Including others in your work groups even if they are not necessarily your friend
Respect, Integrity
Where can you look for reminders on classroom rules & expectations?
By the door
How do we treat substitute teachers?
With respect and kindness.
Follow classroom expectations even when I'm not there.
What is Mrs. Kuhn's favorite color?
What should you do if you need to use the bathroom?
Take the pass and place it on your desk
Staying on task and not fooling around when Mrs. Kuhn has her back turned to you or she needs to step out of the classroom.
Integrity - doing the right thing when no one is watching
Where can you look for reminders on lab expectations?
By Kevin
What should you do if you borrow supplies from the class?
Return them neatly
What is Mrs. Kuhn's favorite animal?
Where do your science notebooks and workbooks go?
NEATLY in your block's designated drawer.
What are the materials you should always bring to class, and which pillar does doing this exemplify?
Chromebook, earbuds, snack (first block only), accordion folder, pencil case WITH PENCILS. This shows responsibility.
When should you grab things off of a teacher's desk?
When can you leave the classroom.
When you have the teacher's permission
What state did Mrs. Kuhn go to college in?
Wisconsin and/or Wyoming
What is the first thing you should do when you enter the science classroom?
Check the board for the bell ringer and follow the directions for the bell ringer.
Answers could include... listening, sharing ideas, doing your part, including others
What should you do if you finish your work early.
Follow the directions on the board SILENTLY
When should you be on your chromebook?
Only when given directions to be. That means you are not on your chromebook at the beginning of class unless the bell ringer tells you to.
What is Mrs. Kuhn's favorite snack?
What must you do before leaving class at the end of your block?
NEATLY put away your science notebook and/or workbook in your designated drawer AND wait to be dismissed by Mrs. Kuhn
What happens when we do not follow the school pillars in this classroom?
3 strikes, what do these look like?
Movie theater - Mrs. Kuhn going through slides
Coffee shop - quite work time
Restaurant - turn & talk
Grocery store - lab
What is one rule you think we should have that will make you be more successful in our classroom?
Points for responsible, respectful, and appreciative answers.
How many siblings does Mrs. Kuhn have?