The Enlightenment
French Rev 1
French Rev 2

Believed that all humans were born with natural rights life, liberty, and property.

Who is John Locke?


Extreme pride in one's nation.

What is nationalism?


Social classes in France before the French Rev were known as this.

What are the Three Estates?


French military officer who overthrew the Directory in a coup d'etat, crowned himself emperor of France, and conquered large parts of Europe.

Who is Napoleon Bonaparte?


Extreme pride in one's nation.

What is nationalism?


Believed that freedom of speech was important for the people to have.

Who is Voltaire?


Theory that kings and queens got their power from God.

What is divine right theory?

This group made up 97% of France's population, were the common people, had no power, but paid all the taxes.

Who is the Third Estate?


A sudden, and usually violent, overthrow of a government.

What is a coup d'etat?

Simon Bolivar, Miguel Hidalgo, and Toussaint L'Ouverture all led revolutions in this part of the world.

What is Latin America?


In order to keep one person or group from gaining too much power in government, Baron De Monstequieu said that governments should have 3 branches.

What is separation of powers?


King or queen with total power rules in this type of government.

What is absolute monarchy?


This document was written during the French Revolution and was inspired by Enlightenment ideas, and expressed that humans had certain rights.

What is the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen?


Laws created by a French Emperor to create stability, equality, and used Enlightenment ideas.

What is the Napoleonic Code?

Nationalism led to people doing one of these two things.

What is revolting or unifying?


Idea that states that the government gets its power from the people (consent of the governed), and if the government does not protect the people's rights, they can overthrow it.

What is the social contract?


This was a time when philosophers used reason to think about government and society and develop new ideas.

What is the Enlightenment?


Period when a radical group of revolutionaries called the Jacobins took power in France.  They were led by Maximilien Robespierre.  They ruthlessly killed people from all classes, including the King and Queen, using the guillotine.

What is the Reign of Terror?


After Napoleon was defeated European leaders held this meeting to restructure Europe.  They built strong nations around France and put monarchs (Kings and Queens) back in power across Europe.

What is the Congress of Vienna?


Otto von Bismarck in Germany, and Camillo di Cavour and Giuseppe Garibaldi in Italy are known for helping bring this about in their nation

What is unification?


The Enlightenment had this effect on the world.

What is inspiring reforms (women's rights and abolitionist movement), and revolutions (French, American, Latin American) around the world?


An absolute monarch who used some enlightenment ideas to rule and make changes within their country. Catherine the Great of Russia is an example.

What is an enlightened despot?


Inequalities between the three estates (social classes); third estate paid all the taxes but had little power. People could not meet their basic needs. Enlightenment ideas of equality, voice in government and liberty were spreading. King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette were overspending tax money. France was in debt.

What are the historical circumstances of the French Revolution?


Napoleon's rule and conquests in Europe had these effects.

What are the spread of Enlightenment ideas, and inspiring nationalism?


Most of Latin America gained its freedom from European powers.  Some new governments created Enlightenment based reforms while some fell into dictatorships and corruption.

What are the effects of Latin American Revolutions?
