Sam Bankman-Fried scammed money people using this cryptocurrency exchange company.
What is FTX?
According to Bible, this was the first person ever. The second person was actually created from his rib (žebro).
Who was Adam?
Take the number of chestnuts of Cinderella, plus the number of Děd Vševěd’s hair and the code number of James Bond.
What is thirteen?
This person has the same first name as the singer Carpenter and the surname of singer of songs like "Bad Guy", Birds of Feather" or "Lovely".
Who is Sabrina Eilish?
One of the largest countries in the world, despite most of it being frozen wasteland, still finds the worlds biggest source of diamonds in the world.
What is Russia?
One of the world’s most succesful scammers, Victor Lustig, was born in Hostinné in todays Czech Republic. His biggest scam included selling this famous french building. Twice.
What is the Eiffel tower?
When Přemyslovci murdered all of Slavníkovci, this person survived and lived for few more years, before he was killed by Prussians while spreading christianity.
Who was sv. Vojtěch?
The number of Pevensie children who went to Narnia plus the number of Hunger Games districts.
What is seventeen?
This person has the same first name as author of operas such as "Magic Flute", "Figaro’s wedding" or "Don Giovanni" and the surname of the author of lyrics to "Kde domov můj".
Who is Wolfgang Amadeus Tyl?
This tiny European island was named after copper, which it had a lot of. Nowadays it makes its money is through selling passports and citizenships to rich people from other countries.
What is Cyprus?
This guy tried to help people make money by buying cheap post tickets from Italy and getting them to the US. The only problem was that to make money for everyone who paid for them, there would need to be 358 million post tickets, while there existed only slightly above 25 000.
Who was Charles Ponzi?
This Czech writer created the stories of Červenáček, Rychlonožka, Mirek Dušín, Jarka Metelka and Jindra Hojer and he was also an important person for Czech scout groups.
Who was Jaroslav Foglar?
Number of people from Indiana Jones family named "Henry Jones" plus the number of Horcruxes Harry Potter destroyed in the Harry Potter movies.
What is four?
This person shares his name with the American rapper Lamar and the surname with the original frontman of the band Linkin Park.
Who is Kendrick Bennington?
Chile and many Pacific island nations make money by using this thing, which is bird or bats poo piled in large amounts.
What is guano?
Frank Abagnale scam history was turned into a movie with Tom Hanks and Leonardo DiCaprio. While even the story about Abagnale’s scams is fake, this 2002 movie was still hugely succesful, being even nominated for 2 Oscars.
Catch me if you can/Chyť mě když to dokážeš.
This woman wrote the most famous Czech cookbook which included everything from pork and svíčková to "pečené švestky" and "žemlovka" in 1826.
Who was Magdalena Dobromila Retiggová?
The number of leagues (miles) under the sea Captain Nemo travelled minus the number of stories (and nights) Sheherezade was talking to the sultan.
What is 18 999?
This person has the same name as the singer of "Never Gonna Give You Up" and the same surname as the singer from Nirvana.
Who is Rick Cobain?
Uranium is used both for creating nuclear weapons and making fuel rods for nuclear powerplants. Nearly half of all world’s uranium is found and sold by this Asian country. It also mines large portion of world’s gold and has the second longest borders. While landlocked, meaning that it has no seas, it still have its own navy consisting of few giant ships.
What is Kazakhstan?
Bernard Madoff is the guy behind one of the largest scams in the US history. He scammed people from this much money by promising them incredible investments and just giving them money other people gave him.
More than 65 billion dollars.
Mother of Roman emperor Constantine became a saint (svatá) because she built many churches. The island where Napoleone Bonaparte died is named after her.
Who was (sv.) Helena?
Number of rings that dwarves had in the Lord of the Rings plus the answer of ultimate question from Hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy.
What is forty-nine?
This person has the same first name as the Maroon 5 singer and the surname of the co-founder of the group Foo Fighters and ex-Nirvana drummer.
Who is Adam Grohl?
This small island nation in Oceania makes nearly 10% of all its money from selling IP adresses. While Czech domain name is .cz, this country domain name is so valuable that companies will pay hundreds of thousands for them.
What is Tuvalu?