This man is the semi-legendary founder of the first ruling dynasty of Rus.
Who is Riurik?
Russia's "first" history book describes a medieval trade route as one that ran "from the Varangians to the Greeks."
What is the Primary Chronicle?
In this year, Grand Prince Vladimir was baptized, got married, and become Tsar.
What is 988?
This early history of Kievan Rus is a "first."
What is The Primary Chronicle?
This system of government determined succession to the Kievan throne.
What is the rota system?
This "vengeful" saint converted to Christianity long before her grandson, Grand Prince Vladimir I of Kiev.
Who is Saint Olga of Kiev?
The emissaries of this prince said this about a church service: "We knew not whether we were in heaven or on earth."
Who is Vladimir I (987)?
In this year, the Varangian founder of Rus arrived in Novgorod.
What is 862?
In Russian epic songs, this technique tells you what something is by telling you what it is not.
This is Kievan Rus's answer to an entourage.
What is the druzhina?
This prince adopted Orthodoxy as the state religion in 988.
Who is Grand Prince Vladimir I of Kiev?
Russia's first political martyrs embodied brotherly love. The older said, "It is not for me to raise my hand against my brother."
Who are Boris and Gleb?
In this year, Grand Prince Vladimir I of Kiev died, sparking a struggle for succession.
What is 1015?
In the Russian epics, this character is not quite a bird, although his name would suggest it.
Who is Nightingale the Robber?
This crown was supposed to have come from Byzantium, but probably came from the east.
What is the Cap of Monomakh?
This prince ushered in the Golden Age of the Kievan era (1019-1054).
Who is Yaroslav the Wise?
"Igor looked up at the bright sun, and saw that all his warriors became enveloped in darkness."
What is the "Lay of Igor's Campaign"?
In this year, two saintly sons of Vladimir I died.
What is 1015?
This element of Russian epic songs include a hero saddling his horse or taking leave of his mother.
What is a theme (also pattern scenes or commonplaces)?
This is the first church Vladimir I built.
What is the Church of the Tithes (a.k.a., The Church of the Dormition of the Holy Mother of God)?
You might admire this man's testament to his children or his hat.
Who is Vladimir Monomakh?
"By that Swamp, by that Black Swamp; By that birch, by that crooked birch; By that stream, by Smorodina; By that cross, by that cross of Lebanon, Sits Nightingale the Robber in a damp oak."
What is "Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber"?
In this year, Igor was "eclipsed" by the Kumans, also known as Polotsovians.
What is 1185.
"Honorable widow" and "good steed" are examples of this poetic element of Russian epic songs.
What is an epithet?
This instrument sometimes accompanied epic songs.
What is the gusla?