2 houses in Congress.
What is Senate? What is House of Rep.?
Type of legislative Us has.
What is Bicameral?.
function of the ‘Watchdog Party’
What is Watch over opposing party in charge of Government?
two requirements of the US naturalization process.
What is be 18 and speak English?
First President United States.
Who is George Washington?
Delegates met up in ... city to attempt rewrite constitution.
When in Philadelphia.
State justices term limits.
What is 10 years?
Set of opinions or beliefs of a group or an individual
What is ideology?
2 ways become a citizen.
What is by birth or by naturalization?
Powers of the national government explicitly listed in the Constitution.
What is Express powers?
Amendments In Bill of Rights.
What is 10 Amendments?
Number of state representatives we have.
What is 124?
first step a bill goes through when entering committee
What is get sponsored by Rep?
Order restricting information or comment from being made public.
What is gag order?
root words of Republic (Res Publicus)
what is public affair?
Two weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation.
What is weak central government? What is couldn't impose taxes?
Official acceptance of the Constitution by 9 of the 13.
What Is Ratification?
The power of a government official or leader to make appointments and offer favors
What is Patronage?
act of clemency by an authority by which pardon is granted especially to a group of individuals
What is Amnesty?
Event when a new President takes the oath of office.
What is inauguration ?
Philosopher believed that all people were born with three natural rights.
Who is John Locke? What is Life, Liberty & Property?
Qualifications to be Governor?
What is believe in supreme being, 30 years old, citizen, and resident of your state?
Public bills pertain to matters that affect the general public or classes of citizens, while private bills affect just certain individuals and organizations
What Is private bill and public bill?
Somewhere you go in the US that your 4th Amendment rights are limited.
What is School?
a loosely defined term for action designed to prolong debate and delay or prevent a vote on a bill
what is filibuster?