"That will hold em all wight eheheheheheehe" was said by this rabbit in a mocking manner.
Big chungus
This strong lobster is usually lifting weights at Goo Lagoon.
This classic video game about stacking blocks is currently the 2nd best selling game ever.
big funny spoon in sky
big dipper
A famous red echidna was put into a funny video with this African accent.
In this episode of Spongebob, Spongebob is hired to work at the Krusty Krab for the first time.
Help Wanted
According to Jeremy, "this game was like the first good graphics 3d game."
Mario 64
big funny cat with a people head in the funny desert
This is the amount of people killed in the infamous Tomato Town massacre.
This song is played during a sad episode in which an important character goes missing.
Gary Come Home.
This game was the first to have the most iconic video game character ever made.
Donkey Kong
big funny fish that has an antenna with a lure on the end
angler fish
When this famous painting was showed to an art collector, the art collector replied, "More like belongs in the trash!"
Bold and Brash
This is the name of a certain squirrel's home.
The Tree Dome.
This video game is considered by many to be the first video game ever made.
big funny store with a lot of free samples
This old man was made famous for looking at his computer in distress.
Hide the Pain Harold.
"There once was a a man from Peru, he had dreamt he ate his own shoe. He woke with a fright in the middle of the night to find his dream had come true." Said this character who gained the ability to talk within their dream.
This video game is about an enslaved alien trying to escape his factory.
Odd World.
big funny ball of fire