umbra, __________ (_____): _______________
umbra, umbrae f. shade/shadow
What letter marks the fourth conjugation of verbs?
Num mīles fortis ab hoste fugit?
Ramus non Qunitum et pullos sustinere potest.
The branch is not able to hold Quintus and the baby chicks.
Give the present passive verb chart
r ris tur mur mini ntur
scūtum, ______________________ (______): __________________________________
scutum, scuti n. shield
Adjectives can NEVER use which declensions?
Quis est frater Aemiliae?
Aemilius pedes est in Germania.
Qui spirat mortuus esse non potest.
One who breathes is not able to be dead.
Is brevius a normal (positive), comparative, or superlative adjective?
comparative neuter
super (+______): above, on top of; over
super (+ ______): about; regarding
Which type of adjective pretends to be a noun by itself?
Quae membra corporis sunt?
Bracchia et crures sunt membra.
Unus passus est quinque pedes, ergo mille passus sunt quinque milia pedum.
One pace is 5 feet, therefore 1000 paces are 5000 feet.
Give the 4th declension NEUTER chart
u, us, u u u ua, uum ibus ua ibus
fugio, ________________, ________________, ________________: ___________________
fugio, fugere, fugi, fugitum: to flee
What is the difference between a comparative and superlative? (Give the Latin endings too!)
comparative: -IOR, "more"
superlative: -ISSIM- infix; exceptions; "most"
Quas res medicus inspectat sanare Quintum?
os, dentes, bracchium, caput
Gladii Germanorum longiores et graviores sunt quam Romanorum gladii.
The Germans' swords are longer and heavier than the Romans' swords.
Give a synopsis: 3rd pl PASSIVE of iubeo, iubere
iubebantur - They were ordered
iubebuntur - They will be ordered
cado ________________, ________________, ________________: ___________________
cado, cadere, cecidi, casum: to fall
In what case is a third declension MF adjective different from a third declension MF i-stem noun?
ablative sing (e/i)
Quae bēstiae ōva pariunt?
Pisces et aves ova pariunt.
Syra non putat medicum puerum aegrum sanare posse.
Syra does not think that the doctor is able to heal/cure the sick boy.
How do you write today's date in Latin?
unus dies post idus December MMXXIV